City Directories and History: 1906 - RH PO Ledger: Carberry, 1908 - Kate Fewell, 1914 - Mrs. N.M. … [Read more...]
208 Hampton Street – Historic J. J. Water’s Home / Staff Colonel in Gen. Wade Hampton’s Confederate Regiment
City Directories and History: 1908 - J. J. Waters (Ethel Biggers is also listed at this address - … [Read more...]
Hotel Shandon – 1907 & 1908
City Directories and History: 1908 - J.E. Sadler, prop. Hotel Shandon, James E. Sander and wife … [Read more...]
Historic North Congress Street – 1907 & 1908
The Yorkville Enquirer contained an ad on Jan. 30, 1880 stating, "Mr. Wm. C. Owen informs the public … [Read more...]