The Yorkville Enquirer contained an ad on Jan. 30, 1880 stating, “Mr. Wm. C. Owen informs the public that he has removed his tailoring shop from the Adickes Building to the building two doors south of the bank and he has made arrangements with NY and Philadelphia houses to furnish goods for men’s ware.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Oct. 5, 1882 – “Mr. Withers Adickes has moved from the Springs-Moore corner to a storeroom in the Adickes Building on the opposite site of the street.” (The Withers Adickes Co., sold: groceries, crockery, household furnishings and operated a restaurant. 1908 City Directories)
The Rock Hill Herald on Dec. 13, 1883 reported – “Mr. William W. Jenkins will come to York to start a mercantile business in the late stand of J.J. Smith.”
- Colcock, Miller and Co., will move into the store vacated by Mr. Adickes. J.R. Lindsay and Co., will move into the store vacated by Colcock, Miller and Company.
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Feb. 22, 1883 – “Mr. T.M. Dobson is building two tenement houses on Madison Street.”
The Rock Hill Herald reported on Jan. 13, 1887 – “Capt. Withers Adickes has closed out his corner store.”
The Rock Hill Herald on May 31, 1888 reported – “Last Wednesday morning at the home of Capt. Adickes and attempt was made to poison the breakfast food. Present at breakfast were: Capt. Adickes, his wife, his mother Mrs. Mary Adickes, his niece Ms. Nettie Adickes, two borders Mr. J.R. Kennedy, Jr., and Dr. M.W. White along with Ed Melton and Emma Hines, the cook. All of them became sick during the day. On examination, it was determined that someone had place arsenic in their food. A woman named Anabel Jones has been arrested and the conjecture is that she was trying to poison the cook.”
City Directories and History: 1908 – Withers Adickes: (Withers and Adickes Co., Clark W. Wither – son, Helen Withers – wife, Adickes Company), John B. Bowen , Addie E. Bowen, Bratton Building, Daisey Brian, James M. Brian, Mary A. Brian, Mary Brian, Nannie Brian, Susie Brian, J.B. Brown, M.L. Carroll, C.W. Carroll, Charles Carroll, Church W. Carroll, John J. Carroll, Lela Carroll, Rufus M. Carroll, Mrs. E. A. Crawford (widow of E.A. Crawford on N. Congress@ Madison), Mary Crawford, Winnie D. Crawford, James (H.) Dickson (1908 – Clk Wm Dickson), Louisa Dickson, Margaret Dickson, William Dickson (1908 – Dickson Grocer N. Congress), Martha

Views of North Congress St., 1912
Dickson, William Dickson, Myra Dickson, Thomas M. Dobson (1908 – Dobson Brothers) The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Oct. 31, 1878 -“T.M. Dobson and Co., have built a brick extension on the rear of their drygoods store.”, Haskell Dobson (1908 – Clk@ Dobson Brothers), John A. Dobson (1908 – Clk with J.W. Dobson), John W. Dobson (1908 – Grocer w wife Mary), Mary Dobson, Louise Dobson, Mary L. Dobson, R.H. Dobson, Thomas M. Dobson, Violet Dobson, Frances Foulconer, Meta Foulcoer, Robert Foulconer, Robert Foulconer, Emma Foulconer, Ada Foulconer, Martha Foulconer, James M. Ferguson (1908 – clk York Supply Co.), Mary A. Ferguson, James Mason Ferguson (1908 – clk J.L. Williams and Co), Janie Ferguson (1908 – wife of James Mason Ferguson and emp of Dobson Bro.), D. Edward Finely, Mary E. Finley, Frances Finley, Bessie Finley, Henry C. Glenn & wife Marie Glenn (1908 – Bkkpr) , Lewis G. Grist, Wood D. Grist, Edith T. Grist, Robert J. Herndon, Mary Herndon, Hotel Shandon, J.E. Sadler, John Jenkins, Lowrey Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, William W. Jenkins, Margaret Jenkins, Frederica Lindsay, J. Robert Lindsay, Blanche Lindsay, Rose Marie Lindsay
The list of individuals living in the 1907 York City Directory was not identified as living at any particular house number. When possible the individuals are listed per their known address.
The Herald contained an earlier ad on Jan. 25, 1883 for “T. M. Dobson a local millinery in Yorkville, S.C.” Later the Yorkville Enquirer reported on April 1, 1891 – “Dobson’s Rackett will have a grand opening of their spring goods tomorrow. Mrs. Dobson has secured Ms. S.T. Hoops as a new milliner.”
The Yorkville Enquirer of Aug. 12, 1891 reported – “Mr. Percy H. Thames, Clerk in the National House of Charleston, is spending a vacation in Yorkville with his sister, Mrs. A. Springs Withers.” (It is unclear as to where Mrs. Wither’s home as located in Yorkville.”
The Rock Hill Record contained an ad on June 25, 1908 for Carroll Brothers of Yorkville stating they were the representatives for The Rock Hill Buggy Company – “A Little Higher in Price, But….”
James M. Bian Family: 1908 – James M. (Mary A.), Mary, Nannie, Susie,
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- Ads from the Yorkville Enquirer from the same period.
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