The Rock Hill Herald contained an ad on Jan. 31, 1916 for: “A.H. Blanton Insurance Agency our offices are over Citizens Bank and Trust Company.” Later on Feb. 2 the Herald contained an ad for the Bank and Trust Company stating, “Officers are: J.W. O’Neal, Pres., D.C. Johnston, V.P., George A. Beach, Cashier, and John R. Shurley, Asst. Cashier.”
City Directories and History: 1908 – The Catawba Power Company and The Southern Power Company (#153 East Main St.,), 1917 – Boyd Drug Company (Moved to #130 E. Black St. by 1922), Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, (#153) J.T. Roddey, Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Izard Building;

1886 Sanborn Map diagram of the location being used by the Herald Newspaper Office and the beginnings of the Holler Buggy Company.
Williams Optical Company, Rooms; W.A. Pressly, A. H. Blanton, Life of Virginia, J.E. Welsh, J.H. Foster, (#155) St. John’s Methodist Church, 1922/23 – Citizens Bank and Trust Co., Isard Building, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Atlantic Life Ins., Ely Construction, Hambright Co., W.M. Padgett – Contractors, Williams Optical, York Wilson – Cotton Broker, 1936 – S.B. Fewell – Dentist (309-311), J.G.M. Nichols (401-402), J.R. Stokes (410-412), McDow and Hildebrand Attorneys (308), 1946 – Campbell’s Clothing Company, J.M. Helms Jewelry, (#155-57) Rock Hill National Bank Building, Model Beauty Shop, John R. Williams Real Estate, Room; Charles B. Ridely, York Finance, W.D. Willis, Atlantic Life Insurance, York County Broadcasting, WRHI Radio, American Home Life Insurance, James R. Stokes, Wilson & Wilson, City Recorder, Pilot Life Insurance, S. Bruce Fewell, Jefferson Standard Life Insurance, Liberty Life, John G.M. Nichols, Roy D. Sumner, M.D., Farah’s Beauty Shop, John L. Bundy, M.D., William E. Simpson, M.D., Frank P. Gaston, M.D., 1963 – (#151) Gold Shop Clothing, (#153) Brooks Jewelry Company, (#155-

1888 Sanborn Map diagram showing the same corner and how it has changed dramatically in two short years.
57) – Rock Hill National Bank, Rooms; Model Beauty Shop, Pyramid Life Insurance, W.D. Willis Insurance, Southwestern Life Insurance, York County Broadcasting, WRHI Radio, American Home Life Insurance, Albert C. Burgess, John M. Blackmon, Sadler and Kent, John G. Nichols, Equitable Life Assurance, David Lyle, Roy D. Sumner, John O. Woods, and Tom S. Gettys.

Images courtesy of photographer Bill Segars – 2011

Images courtesy of photographer Bill Segars – 2011

Images courtesy of photographer Bill Segars – 2011

Old Rock Hill National Bank building on East Main. Courtesy of the Pettus Archives (Azer Collection), at Winthrop Archives.
The Herald reported on April 9, 1925 – “The foundation for the new building of the Citizens Bank and Trust has been completed and brick work is underway.”
The Record reported on Feb. 7, 1927 – “The Citizens and Bank and Trust Co., closed their doors on Jan. 29, 1927 and was immediately placed in the hands of the state banking dept., a receiver will be appointed. – J.W. O’Neal, Pres. Citizens Bank. On Feb. 10 the Record reported the National Union Bank as the receiver of the former Citizens Bank.”
The SC Architects: 1885 – 1934 by Wells and Dalton, 1992 – Reported, “that the Citizens building was constructed in 1924-25, at a cost of $110,000. the architect being Charles Conrad Hartmann.”
The Herald reported on March 6, 1901 containing a legal notice: “The stockholders of the Catawba Power Company. They will meet in the Office of the company in Rock Hill on March 23, to decide on an increase in the capital stock from $100,000. to $150,000. by issuance of 500 prefered shares. They will also vote on creating a bonded debt of $250,000. to be secured by mortgage of rights, franchises, and property. Signed F.C. Whitner, Sec.”
The Herald Newspaper reported Oct. 1, 1935, “That the Citizens Bank Building was sold at auction for $25,000. to Claude R. Davenport of Richmond, Va., a representative of Nolting Mortgage Company, which owns the mortgage. The property has previously belonged to Wilson Realty Company.”

Ad from the 1938 Rock Hill Bearcat annual, U.L. Anderson, Manager.
Also see Lot #8 – North
Jane Lewis posted on 9.29.14, “Our doctor was William Simpson whose office was on the fourth floor of the Rock Hill National Bank Building (the former Citizens Bank). Every day for 2 weeks one or both of my parents would take me to Dr. Simpson’s office. Rabies vaccine had to be administered in the abdomen close to the belly button. It was a harrowing experience for a 4 year old. I cried from the time we hit the front door of the bldg. where we got on the elevator.”
The Record reported on Oct. 26, 1925 – “J & R Realty Company was chartered Saturday. The officers are John R. Williams – Pres. and Sec. and John R. London, V.P and Treasurer.”
The Herald reported on March 13, 1940 – “C.P. Simpson of the Green Rental Agency, announced today the sale of the Metropolitan Mutual Fire Insurance Company Building to H.H. Carroll, Rock Hill businessman. The five story building, which stands and the intersection of Main and Caldwell Streets, was formally occupied by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company is one of the most modern office buildings in the city. Mr. Carroll will assume control on April 1st.”
The Herald reported on Aug. 27, 1940 – “Dr. J. Rufus Bratton has opened an office on the 5th floor of the Citizens Bank Building for diseases of children.”

Advertisements from the 1938 Bearcat Annual
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