City Directories and History: This is a list of addresses and associated companies that occupied … [Read more...]
The Rock Hill Journal
City Directories and History: The Herald reported on March 16, 1901 reported that - "Rock Hill will … [Read more...]
2111 McConnells Highway – Aycock House
City Directories and History: "This was my grandfather's and father's home which burned in the … [Read more...]
Rock Hill’s Leading Citizens – Ca. 1890s
City Directories and History: Take a gander at the MORE INFORMATION link found under the picture … [Read more...]
Standard – Highland Park Cotton Mill
"Men refined the cotton seed and produce shortenings, cooking oils, paints, and cattle feeds...." … [Read more...]
Globe Mill or Victoria Cotton Mills
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Sept. 3, 1890 - "the Globe Cotton Mill began work yesterday … [Read more...]
101 East Main Street – National Union Bank Building
The Herald reported on April 22, 1940 - "The sale of the Central Union Bank building has been … [Read more...]