City Directories and History: This image is of most interest, in that coach Joe Lesesne, pictured … [Read more...]
101 West Black Street – Rock Hill Water and Light Plant
City Directories and History: On June 13, 1889 the Herald ran the following article - "The Board … [Read more...]
121 West Black Street – Minute Grill / Mutt Hinton
City Directories and History: 1908 - Sarah Woodward and Albert White, 1922 - Princess Cafe and … [Read more...]
Syleecau Manufacturing Company
An ad from Feb. 22, 1916 stated in the RH Herald - "We expect to close out our line of builders … [Read more...]
427 East White Street – Rock Hill Lumber Company
City Directories and History: 1926 / 1936 - Rock Hill Lumber Company, 1959 - Rock Hill Lumber … [Read more...]
304 Marion Street – Historic J. C. Cauthen House / Sumner Hospital Site
City Directories and History: 1917 - O.P. McHugh, 1920 - R. E. Sumner, M.D. (Office at 111.5 East … [Read more...]
303 Marion Street – Historic Cauthen and Simpson House
City Directories and History: 1908 - Claude Cauthen, 1917 - J.C. Cauthen, 1922/23 - Dr. W.E. … [Read more...]
240 Marion Street – Frederick Dunlap House
City Directories and History: 1917 - Harry Friedheim, 1922/23 - J.C. Cauthen and Harry Friedheim, … [Read more...]