City Directories and History: 1908 (Woods M. Steele, Pauline B. - 376 East Black), (422 East Black - … [Read more...]
101 West Black Street – Rock Hill Water and Light Plant
City Directories and History: On June 13, 1889 the Herald ran the following article - "The Board … [Read more...]
252 East Black Street
City Directories and History: 1922/23 - J.E. Kelly The Herald reported on Sept. 15, 1925 - "J.E. … [Read more...]
239 East White Street – The Izard Home of Rock Hill, S.C.
On Nov. 7, 1888 the Yorkville Enquirer reported - "Mr. A.C. Izard has been appointed soliciting … [Read more...]
538 East Main Street – J.E. Marshall House
City Directories and History: 1908 - L. A. Pope and Alice, Contractor (listed at #540 E. Main), 1917 … [Read more...]