City Directories and History: The Crawford School was originally built using funds from the State of South Carolina supported by the Rosenwald Rural School fund. The parcel of land belongs to the Mobley family, who reportedly donated it for use as a community center. It is unclear as to when it was acquired by the Rock Hill School District.
It served for generations as one of several African American schools in the “blackjack” area south of Rock Hill. The location of the school is approximately where Mack Crawford’s home is shown on the 1910 Walker Map.
The Herald reported on Nov. 25, 1896 – “C. F. Gordon, Supt. of the convict force, working on the road south of the city, received new five convicts from the recent session of court. There are now eighteen convicts in the camp. The work of grading the Old Saluda Road has been completed and rock is being crushed to finish the work of macadamizing the road before Jan. 1, when the prison camp will be moved to Ebenezer. About five miles of Saluda Road will be macadamized from one half mile east of the Fishing Creek Bridge to Smith’s Turnout. The Herald has inspected the camp and it appeared to be in a healthy location.”
The Rock Hill Record reported on Dec. 14, 1908 – “Reported on a proposal for work to be done by the chain gang. Mr. T.L. Johnston, representing people along Saluda Road, requested work on the road for five miles to the Chester County line.”
The Rock Hill Record of March 29, 1909 – “The old Saluda Road, the main street through Woodland Park, will be macadamized (paved), to the Chester County line in the near future.”

Courtesy of the Van Center Collection. This image is of convicts working in Fairfield County, S.C. during the approximate same time frame.

Courtesy of the Turner Postcard Collection – 2012
Informative links: Rosenwald Fund, SC Schools
*** Address is approximate.
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At the rear of the school, the community remains active in playing sports.
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Also see other York County Rosenwald Schools: Carroll School, Catawba School, New Home School, and Emmett Scott High School
Please enjoy this structure and all those listed in Roots and Recall. But remember each is private property. So view them from a distance or from a public area such as the sidewalk or public road.
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