City Directories and History: This map and accompanying notes were constructed by historian Wm. B. … [Read more...]
Walker’s Postal Map #18 – Tirzah Community & Depot
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Oct. 25, 1877 - "A new PO will be established at Crayton's Store … [Read more...]
Walker’s Postal Map #6
City Directories and History: Walker's 1910 Postal Route map is an invaluable tool in tracking … [Read more...]
3813 Woodlawn Street
Please enjoy this structure and all those listed in Roots and Recall. But remember each is private … [Read more...]
343 East Liberty Street
City Directories and History: 1958 - E. Junius Rhyne, John M. Foster, William C. Shillinglaw Jr, … [Read more...]