The Rock Hill Herald contained an ad on Jan. 8, 1916 – “R.F. Bridges offers two Mitchell Touring cars and a Ford. We are always at your service at our garage in the rear of the Ratterree block.”
City Directories and History: List of members comes from the Wm. B. White, Jr., Collection at WU’s Pettus Archives and was compiled by local historian and teacher, Mrs. Addie S. Mayfield, 1989.
Knights of Pythias was instituted in Washington, DC on February 19, 1864. This order was the First Fraternal Order to receive a charter from the United States Congress. This is truly an American Institution which brought order out of chaos after the War Between the States. We believe in a supreme being and uphold our country above all others. We have set aside personal differences and continue to work together for community, our state and nation. We have always been there for community and nation when disaster strikes since our founding.
Knights of Pythias, Grand Domain of North Carolina was instituted December 21, 1871 in Wilmington, North Carolina by the Supreme Chancellor Commander Samuel Read. The first five lodges chartered were the following:
Stonewall Lodge #1 – Wilmington, NC
Clarendon Lodge #2 – Wilmington, NC
Germania Lodge #3 – Wilmington, NC
Centre Lodge #4 – Raleigh, NC
Cumberland Lodge #5 – Fayetteville, NC
Information courtesy of the Knights of Pythias website:
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