City Directories and History: 1908 – W.A. Pressley (dentist), Addie C. Pressley, (Office at 153 East Main St) Ms. Madge Pressley, 1917 – James M. Givens, 1922/23 – Dr. W.A. Pressly, 1933 – William Pressley, 1936 – W.A. Pressly – Dentist (Office @416 Peoples Bank Bldg.), 1946 – James M. Givens, 1963 – James M. Givens
The Herald reported on Jan. 8 and 11th, 1896 -“Dr. W. A. Pressly, has secured Capt. A.E. Smith’s former home on East White Street and he and his mother and two sisters will live there. His sisters are Mrs. Hislop and Ms. Madge Pressly of Kings Mountain.” On Feb. 18, 1896 – Dr. W. A. Pressley and Ms. Addie Caldwell Jenkins were wed in the Methodist Church in Lincolnton NC, the brides mother is Mrs. B. E. Jenkins. Dr. Pressley and his group were late getting to Lincolnton due to a missed train connection and the service was postponed for an hour and a half.”
Pictured (L-R), Dr. A. W. Pressley, Ross Tomkins and J. Spratt White. Courtesy of the White – Presto Group / WU Pettus Archives
The Herald reported on Nov. 28, 1896 – “Dr. W. A. Pressley has occupied the house opposite the graded school recently vacated by T. S. Groome.
March 14, 1896 – The Herald contained an ad for Dr. W. A. Pressley – Surgeon and Dentist Office over the savings bank.
The Herald reported on March 21, 1900 – “Mr. W.J. Rawlinson has let a contract to Mr. A.D. Holler to erect a six room cottage on Johnston Street, opposite the Johnson Homestead, which will be occupied by Dr. W.A. Pressley and family.”
The Rock Hill Herald reported on June 9, 1900 – “Dr. W.A. Pressley has moved to a new house on Johnston Street, opposite the Johnson homestead and Mr. Woods Steele has moved from the Boney House to the cottage on Black Street vacated by Dr. Pressley.”
The Herald reported on May 24, 1902 – “That Dr. W.A. Pressley has rented the vacant storeroom in the Toole Building, four doors above the Herald office, and will remove his dental parlor there next month. On June 28th, has removed to the Toole Building next to the Methodist Church where he has opened a neat and attractive dental office.”
The Herald reported on July 18, 1903 – “That contractor S.A. Clark is erecting a nine room house for the Messes Roach on Caldwell Street for $2,000. and a five room cottage on Academy for Mr. John A. Steele for $1,400; a six room cottage for Mrs. L. A. Barron on Park Avenue for $10147.00; an eight room cottage for W.B. Wilson, Jr., at the corner of Aiken and Charlotte for $1,500; a nine room dwelling for Mr. J. Lon Moore on Oakland Avenue $1,900. Also Mr. M.B. Massey is to erect an eight room house on East Wilson for about $1,750. and plans are being drawn for an eight room dwelling for Dr. W.A. Pressley on South Johnston to cost about $1,800.”
The Record reported on Jan. 3, 1907 – “That the Catawba Power Co., will move their office from the Roddey Building and will occupy the rooms in the Toole Building now occupied by Dr. Pressly. Dr. Pressly will move to one of the rooms on the second story. Jan. 7, 1907 – Dr. Pressly is moving into the rooms previously occupied by Mr. Workman who will shortly move in to his new telephone building on Record Place.”
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