The Rock Hill Herald reported on Aug. 12, 1886 – “Dr. A.Y. Cartwright is building a home on East Liberty Street.” Later on May 12, 1887 the paper reported – “Dr. Cartwright is moving today into the office once occupied by the late Dr. Jackson. He has fitted it up nicely for the practice of dentistry.”
City Directories and History: 1908 – Thomas W. Speck (Withers), Jeweler and Optician, 1958 and 1966 – Helen L. Ervin
Built circa 1886 by Dr. A. Y. Cartwright, this home was sold in 1893 to W. Brown Wylie. After being inherited by Rachel Wylie (Mr. Wylie’s daughter), the house was purchased in 1947 by Helen Ervin. [Courtesy of the Yorkville Historical Society – 2002]
*** This house is listed as #134 on the 1910 Sanborn maps.
The Rock Hill Herald on Feb. 28, 1903 reported, “A commission has been issued to the Yorkville Building and Loan Association with a capital stock of $30,000. The corporators are: W. Brown Wylie, George W. Williams, Charles E. Spencer and W.J. Witherspoon.”
The Yorkville Enquirer contained an ad for Nov. 6, 1906 – T.W. Speck, Jeweler.
The Yorkville Enquirer of Feb. 20, 1917 contained an ad for T. W. Speck, jeweler.
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My name is John Edwards. I am the great-great grandson of minister Abner Ervin and Mary Marcenna Ervin through their daughter, Mae (Mary) Lillean Ervin, who lived in Hoodtown, SC in the 1880’s. I know very little about this side of my family other than they originated in North Carolina. Mae’s son, Harry Alfred Edwards b. 1904-1994 was my grandfather and he never knew his father, also Harry Edwards, as he died shortly after his birth. If anyone knows more about the Ervin’s in the Bullock Creek area in the late 1800’s, please contact me at
Thank you