The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Feb. 10, 1870 - "The provision house of Wylie, Roddey and Agurs … [Read more...]
154 Saluda Street – Joseph B. Wylie House
City Directories and History: 1908 – J. B. Wylie (Joseph B. Wylie - Joe Wylie and Company), 1940 – … [Read more...]
148 Center Street
City Directories and History: 1908 – James I. Hardin, Daisy Hardin, 1940 – J. Henry Yarbrough, … [Read more...]
124 West End – Thomas H. White House
City Directories and History: 1890 - Thomas H. White, 1908 – S.G. Miller, Mrs. Hattie Miller … [Read more...]
109 Pine Street
City Directories and History: 1908 - J. E. Dunbar (Jos. Wylie and Co., -Sales), Jane Dunbar, 1940 … [Read more...]