On Feb. 13, 1879 – “The trustees of the Baptist Church in Rock Hill have purchased a beautiful lot on which they propose to build a handsome church.” The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Aug. 28, 1879 – “The foundation for the new Baptist Church has been laid. The size is 35 ft by 50ft and the building will be of brick. Rev. Mr. Edwards has displayed great energy for collecting funds for the building.” (On Feb. 6, 1879 the paper reported – “Sale of property from R.B. McFadden to J. Hartwell Edwards and others, a lot in Rock Hill for $180. for the Baptist Church)
The Rock Hill Herald on April 8, 1880 reported – “The Baptist Church in Rock Hill is nearly completed. Remaining to be done is the pulpit area and some painting. The dimension are 50 ft by 35 ft and it will accommodate three hundred people comfortably. It is a brick structure and the contractor is the well known building of this place, Mr. William Challenger.” (The Herald reported on Oct. 20, 1881 – “Mr. Wm. Challenger has died at the Robertson Hotel. He died from asthma from which he had suffered for a long time. He was born in England and came to the US then related to the South after the war. He lived in Charlotte first and then settled in Rock Hill. He worked as an architect and builder. Mr. Challenger was buried in Laurelwood Cemetery after services in the Methodist Church.”)
City Directories and History:1908 – First Baptist Church of Rock Hill (Rev. R.T. Marsh), 1917 – Baptist Church, 1922/23 – Record Printing Co., 1936 – Record Printing Company (See History this page), 1963 – Vacant
The Herald reported on March 15, 1883 – “The Baptist in Rock Hill have purchased an organ for the church. It is expected to arrive in a few days.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on April 11, 1894 – “At the new Baptist church in Rock Hill the brick work is going up and the building is expected to be ready by June. The ladies are having a fundraiser to install a memorial window in the new church for Mr. W.M. Frew, whose liberal bequest has aided the building project.”
The YV Enquirer reported on Feb. 7, 1894 – “The Baptists intend to build a new house of worship in Rock Hill. The late W.M. Frew left $2,000., in his will for a new church building.” Later on March 7, 1894 the YV Enquirer stated, “The contract for the new Baptist Church has been let to Holler and Adams. They began to tear down the old building, and plan to have the new church completed in about two months. The value will be about $4,500. During construction the congregation will meet in Roddey’s Hall.”
On May 30, 1894 the YV Enquirer reported – “The new Baptist Church at Rock Hill will be finished this week and services will be held there. There will be no evening services until the electric lighting is installed.”
The YV Enquirer reported on June 6, 1894 – “Rev. V.I. Masters resigned as pastor of the Rock Hill Baptist Church and the dedication service for the new church building will be postponed until a new pastor is chosen. The Frew Memorial window has now been installed.”
This was a commercial addition to the front façade of the original First Baptist Church of Rock Hill, SC.
The Record reported on Nov. 21, 1907 – “There will be a super hosted by the ladies of the Baptist Church in the hall over W.W. Gill’s store, and the proceeds will build a chapel between the Arcade and Victoria Mills.”
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