City Directories and History: The Elliott cabin, or the home of Daniel Elliot, is significant as an excellent example of late 18th to early 19th century log cabin construction. The main portion of the cabin is basically intact. It is not known when this cabin was constructed. The land in the area was surveyed and granted in the 1760s-70s, and the architectural analysis of the structure suggests it may date from this
period. Traditionally, the house has long been known as that of Daniel Elliott, a Revolutionary War patriot killed by Tories. The cabin is an excellent example of the upcountry two-story log house form. Typical features of the house include a tall shed-roofed porch across the front, a steeply pitched gable roof, an end chimney, stone piers, and dovetailed log joints. Windows are small and covered with board and batten shutters. The floor plan is also typical, with one large room on both floors. The single fireplace serves both for heating and cooking. The interior floors and ceilings are original heart pine. A ladder leads to the attic story where the mortise and tenon construction is evidenced in the rafters, collar beams, joists, plates, and sills. Listed in the National Register May 6, 1971. [Courtesy of the S.C. Dept. of Archives and History]
The Elliott cabin, a fine example of late 18th century log cabin construction was unable to be saved by preservationist. S.B. Mendenhall, a local historian, dismantled the dwelling and placed on his farm at Brattonsville but the house decayed rapidly. The address listed is the approximate location of the original house site and is on private property. R&R has recently been informed 10.16.19, that members of the Cherry Family also resided here.
Informative link: Mills Map of Chester County SC,
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R&R HISTORY LINK: The Daniel Elliot 1771 grant via Heritage Map Collection by Mayhugh (See Estate of Mrs. Elliot along I-77)
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