The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Jan. 12, 1871 - "A fire was set at the store of Simon Jacoby … [Read more...]
114 Main Street – “McAliley Hotel” Chester, S.C.
"The site of the 19h century McKee clock factory in downtown Chester, S.C." City Directories and … [Read more...]
128 Center Street – Original Chester County Jail / Colvin Apartments
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Oct. 8, 1890 - "There is a coat of red paint being put on the … [Read more...]
108 York Street – Dunovant and Gage Homesites / Chester Female Academy
City Directories and History: Dunovant Property - 1908 - Mrs. Alice Smith, 1940 - Mr. and Mrs. … [Read more...]