City Directories and History: Owned and operated by H.E. Moseley (1846-1910) and his brother, William A. Moseley (1849-1930), this was one of Prosperity’s largest mercantile companies of the late 19th century selling finished goods to Newberry residents and buying their agricultural products.
Absalom Moseley, of English descent, married Mary Richardson, of Irish descent, to whom were born William, Mason, Wiley, Daniel, Sallie, Winnie and Nancy Burckhalter. William, Mason and Wiley Moseley moved to Arkansas in early life. Daniel Moseley married Caroline Bridges, daughter of William Bridges, to whom were born Hanson C., William A. and Nancy C., who married George D. Brown. H. C. Moseley married Carrie Brown, July 30th, 1872. William A. Moseley married Melissa Schumpert, October 22, 1878.
In the spring of 1888, feeling the need of some banking facilities in the town of Prosperity, J. M. Wheeler, H. C. Moseley and W. A. Moseley, who were conducting a mercantile business, and George D. Brown, of Brown & Moseley, lumber dealers, went to work and organized a private bank under the firm name of Wheeler & Moseley, Bankers. The management of the bank has been in charge of Mr. H. C. Moseley, with Mr. Joseph H. Hunter as cashier and book keeper. The bank is still in operation and has done a successful business. Both the deposit account and the loan and discount business have been, as good as the projectors could have expected or even desired, and the enterprise has been a great convenience to the people of Prosperity and the adjacent country, for it has helped greatly in (he matter of handling the cotton brought to the town, and in this way made Prosperity a much better cotton market than it otherwise could have been. During the season just closed they managed to handle and pay for about ten thousand bales of cotton. The bank has back of it the firms of Moseley Bros, and Brown & Moseley and J. M. Wheeler, who represent a capital of more than $100,000. It is hoped that this private bank will lead to the organization of a bank on, a larger scale, as it no doubt will in the near future.
(Information from: The Annals of Newberry Co., SC – O’Neall and Chapman, Aull and Houseal Publishers – 1892)
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