City Directories and History: See the map of Sherman’s activities in Fairfield County by clicking on the More Information link found under the picture column. Courtesy of the Fairfield County Museum.
Yorkville Enquirer, Wed Eve June 15, 1864: ITEMS
The editor reported that the Wayside Home in Charleston took in four women with nursing babies from York District. The women went to visit their husbands and were lost on the streets.
Sherman, in GA, out of desperation, ordered all instruments of agriculture to be destroyed, mules and horses confiscated, and houses stripped of provisions.
Yorkville Enquirer, Wed Eve July 6, 1864: War News: Yankees turn to pillage
The enemy was accused of unleashing pillage on the South with no examples given. “A system of brigandage has been inaugurated, which the Yankees will find themselves unable to check, if they were to decide on peace to-morrow. They have invited, hired and bribed the scum of Europe to carry out the scheme of murder, rapine and pillage, and the cup will be commended to their own lips, with all its own bitterness.”

Etching of the Secession Movement – This image depicts a significant numbers of rural early 20th century farms in S.C. Courtesy of the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. The New York Public Library Digital Collections
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