City Directories and History: In 2015, R&R co-founders were invited to scan hundreds of sales receipts from the Patrick Store at Woodward, S.C. Many of these
included such items as ginning and shipping invoices from the 1920’s through the 1930’s. R&R has selected a few of these to exhibit so users can clearly understand how the process of growing and marketing cotton from rural Southern stores was an enormous business. Read the captions for each of the images to hopefully better understand the importance of these stores in the local agricultural economy.

Image of the Patrick’s Store – 1981 Courtesy of the SC Dept. of Archives and History
See additional information on the Patrick Store on R&R as well as information on the Patrick Home itself at Woodward, S.C. The store ledger and coffin sales books are both indexed by year, under the MORE INFORMATION link, found under the picture column. Each contains hundreds of names associated with the Woodward community.
Below in the picture gallery are death certificates and ginning receipts digitized by R&R for display on R&R. Inquires concerning these records should be submitted to, names associated with the massive store collections are indexed and searchable but not available on line. Additional store records and receipts are also available at Patrick’s Store Receipt Page – Too.
SC Country Store History
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Please enjoy this structure and all those listed in Roots and Recall. But remember each is private property. So view them from a distance or from a public area such as the sidewalk or public road.
Do you have information to share and preserve? Family, school, church, or other older photos and stories are welcome. Send them digitally through the “Share Your Story” link, so they too might be posted on Roots and Recall.
- The Patrick Coffin Book – 1912 to 1924, with entries from hundreds of coffin sales from the store. A list of these is available under the MORE INFORMATION link in a spreadsheet.
- The Patrick Store – Gin Ledger, ca. 1890. The ledger offers insights into the number of bales ginning and for whom. Details of this are attached via the MORE INFORMATION link in a spreadsheet of entries.
- Example of the ledger entries from the 1890s.
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