The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Sept. 19, 1872 – “A lady living at Graham’s Turnout on the S.C. Railroad, opened a drawer several day ago to get an article of clothing and found a rattle snake 4 ft long coiled up in the clothing.”
City Directories and History: “After the town of Denmark was named for the Denmark family, railroad promoters, our little city’s name was changed to Norway. Denmark was first called Graham’s Turnout. Mr. John S. Baxter of Garnet, South Carolina, who as a civil engineer surveyed the railroad line between Columbia and Savannah, named the towns on this line. Some were named for the land owners, others for cities and countries in Europe.”
Information from: Names in South Carolina by C.H. Neuffer, Published by the S.C. Dept. of English, USC
The town was also called Graham’s Turnout. Furthermore, situated in the Town of Grahams S.C.R.R.” [Graham’s Turnout was established, 1837, in Barnwell District; in 1890, the town was renamed Denmark in 1890. This site became part of the newly created Bamberg County (S.C.) in 1897.].
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