Circa 1600 – 1820
As new colonists settled the United States, they brought with them their own traditions of building. One of the more popular styles of homes built in this period was the English Colonial style. This type of cottage was usually built with a steeply pitched, side gabled roof. Because more modern glass technology had yet to develop, the cottages windows were typically small and contained small panes of glass. The English cottage was almost always one room deep with a windowless batten door made of narrow, vertical strips of wood. These homes were usually very simple in design and had no major decorative features unless they were added at a later point.
The English Cottage styles in the South traditionally had two end chimneys that were often more decorative than their northern counterparts. Some southern versions also made use of simple dormers at the attic level for additional light. The northern version of the English Colonial cottage consisted of a single and very large central chimney. These cottages were often two stories tall and in some cases included a front overhang that was sometimes decorated with small pendants.
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