City Directories and History: This page represents a colleague of images associated with the history of cotton culture and ginning in S.C.
- Cotton seed storage house, Lowrys, S.C.
- Hauling cotton to market. Winnsboro, S.C.
- Promoting Rock Hill, S.C. as an important buying market for cotton.
- One proud farmer.
- Cotton bales line the shipping platform.
- Children commonly picked cotton at an early age.
- A farmer overseeing his cotton fields.
- Planes became a means of spraying large fields of cotton.
- An early York County ginning complex.
- The Rainey Gin in rural York County, S.C.
- The cotton yard.
- Hauling cotton to the gin.
- Beautiful children picking cotton.
- A sharecropper’s family at work in the fields.
- Showing off the cotton crop.
- Cotton pickers begin taking over the fields after ca. 1950s.
- Bales of ginned cotton.
- Cotton bales on the platform ready for delivery.
- Machinery in the gin house.
- Ginning the cotton.
- A cotton picker at work.
- Cotton is a beautiful plant.
- Cultivation of the crop.
- Picking by hand.
- Fields of cotton all across the state.
- The cotton industry dominated post Civil War economics as farmers came to town to buy and sell.
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