William Kelly was born 1794 in Newberry County and died in 1860. He was married to Elizabeth Sims, daughter of Patrick Henry and Lucy Beaufort Sims. Plantations are mentioned in his will and the estate inventory listed 82 slaves. Their daughter Harriett Sims Kelly – Kelley married Dr. Charles W. Hodges, born in Hodges S.C. and practiced medicine in Maybinton and Fishdam (Fish Dam). They are buried in Fish Dam Meeting House near Carlisle, S.C. – Ronnie Abrams, 2008 *** They also had a daughter Sophie and a son William, who was studying medicine in 1850. Courtesy of Smithsonian History
The Columbia Canal, we learned, was built by Irish indentured servants between 1820 and 1824. They were brought to South Carolina in bondage and made to earn their freedom by digging the canal. Courtesy of Discovering SC – Remembering the Canal
Rivers would serve as the most important means of transportation in the state for the next 50 years. As river traffic increased, and Columbia began to grow, it became necessary to build a canal. It would be completed by 1824. The canal was excavated below the falls on the Broad River, just north of the city. It had an eight foot-wide towpath on each side. The state sponsored Columbia Canal was a notable example of engineering expertise in the nineteenth century. Robert Mills, a federal architect, was instrumental in its development. Furthermore, later ca. 1830 – A separate canal – the Bull Sluice – was constructed in 1830 north of the Columbia Canal on the Broad River. This 1/2 mile canal had one lock. Intended to bypass Bull Shoals, this short canal utilized a natural channel between Guignard’s Island and the east bank. A wing dam and a stone lock with an eight foot lift was constructed. In 1830, in spite of the fact that the inland navigation system was already in serious decline, Columbia merchants insisted on an extension canal to link the Bull Sluice project with the Columbia Canal. The contractor was William McKinsee, and the total cost of the Columbia Canal was $206,000.
The main canal was approximately 12 ft wide. See a brief history of river traffic and the Columbia Canal system@ The Columbia Canal and Warehouse…
City Directories and History: In 2011, the owner of the William Kelly Collection provided them to R&R’s Co-Founders, for research and preservation purposes. The collection has subsequently been donated to an archival repository. The approximate 350 documents from this collection, are a remarkable history of one man’s business dealings along the Broad River, and his barge traffic along the river as far as Charleston, S.C. There are hundreds of locations, individuals and commercial establishments recorded in these papers and R&R is proud to provide this information for your use. R&R suggests that knowing the history of the Columbia Canal and the vast fluctuation of cotton prices in the 1820 is also helpful in understanding the difficulties of farm life. Historian, John H. Moore wrote – “Times were not good…The price of cotton grown in the Midlands certainly tumbled, from 30.8$ a pound in 1818 to .12$ a pound in 1823 and continued to decline from 1826-1833 to .9$ a pound.” Columbia and Richland County History. A decline in prices seemed to heavily affect the planters in upcountry, S.C., some of whom had borrowed significantly in the 1810’s to buy additional land and slaves. It was perhaps these difficulties that drew Wm. Kelly’s attention toward visits to both Alabama and Florida.
The 1820 Census states the Wm. Kelly had a household of (3) individuals and (7) slaves. In 1840 it shows that he had (10) individuals in the house and owned some (37) slaves. The 1850 Census states he was a planter with real estate worth $17,500., In his household were: Wm. Kelly (age 55), Elizabeth S. Kelly (age 50), W. Kelly (age 19) a medical student, and Sophia Kelly (age 17). His obituary takes notice that he attended the Cane Creek Revival in 1841 at which time he joined the revival with Rev. James C. Postell (1789 – 1854) and the Rev. John R. Pickett (1814-1870), each highly respected clergyman from the low-country of S.C. William Kelly’s son, J.W. Kelly became converted at the revival and later became a Methodist minister. He was assigned to the City Mission of Charleston, S.C. in 1858 and in 1860 he was called to Black Swamp Methodist Church as well as many other low-country churches.
The 1860 Census shows that his lifestyle had improved dramatically as a planter – businessman, owning 1,000 acres of improved land, 957 un-improved land, worth $20,500. having the following livestock: horses (10), mules (16), cows (20), oxen (12), other cattle (13), sheep (20), swine (50) – Total livestock value of $5,000. He also had considerable amounts of wheat, corn, oats and cotton. Furthermore, the 1860 the Census shows he had $29,370. worth of real estate, $100,000. in personal value (including slaves), he was age 65, living at Fishdam Ford, Union Co., S.C. with his wife Elizabeth age 59, Dealla —-, and Mary age 13.
The Columbia Canal and Warehouse:
The canal originally opened in 1824 as part of a transportation network that connected South Carolina’s up-country with the port of Charleston. The canal allowed for the shipping of freight around the rocky fall line of Columbia. (The fall line is the furthest inland a boat can navigate a river before encountering glacial boulders. The canal allows boats to bypass the rocks.) By the 1850s, railroads supplanted the canal system and the state legislature began looking for alternative uses for the canal.

The late 19th century river ferry at Lockhart is an excellent example of the type barge boat used by William Kelly to deliver goods both up and down stream. Courtesy of the Osborne Collection.
Under the MORE INFORMATION / PDF link, found under the primary picture, is an incomplete listing of some of the names associated with this collection. And under each of the chronological groups listed below are folders consisting of hundreds of his papers. They are also used in miscellaneous location linking individuals and communities. For instance, if a receipt lists someone in Charleston, S.C. or Chester, S.C., the receipt is linked to that specific topic and geographic location.
John T. Hill of Hillside Plantation – Un. Co., T.D. deGraffenried – Chester Co., Richard Woods – Chester Co., Cpt. Johnson M. Woods – Chester Co., Sgt James Faucetts Woods – Chester Co., S.C., Rev. George B. Tucker – Union Co., James B. Jeter – Un. Co., Thomas G. Chalk – Cherokee Co., Thomas Johnston – Newberry, Co., W. Land and Littleton Land – Chester Co., Wm. D.C. Triplett – Chester Co., William Sartor McJunkin (Married Wm. Kelly’s daughter) – Union Co., J.B. Ellis – UN, A.W. Dubois –
Whitmire, S.C. resident, Mr. Ronnie Abrams provided the following information on his family in ca. 2008. He wrote: “My 4th great grandfather William Kelly was born 1794 in Newberry County and died in 1860. He was married to Elizabeth Sims , daughter of Patrick Henry and Lucy Beaufort Sims. Three plantations are mentioned in his will and the estate inventory listed 82 slaves.
Their daughter Harriett Sims Kelly married Dr. Charles W. Hodges, born in Hodges S.C. and practiced medicine in Maybinton and Fish Dam. They are buried in Fish Dam Meeting house cemetery. Their daughter Lucy Sims Hodges married my great grandfather James Madison Henderson, Jr., son of J.M. Henderson, Sr., whom the Henderson Island plantation of 500 acres in the Broad River is named for.”
When William Kelly died in 1860, his son-in-law, Mr. Wm. R.A. Thomas was in charge of his affairs and estate. No expense was spared in the marking of his death. A fine metallic casket was ordered from the Cameron Company of Charleston, S.C. and a tombstone ordered from Leavell of Columbia. The two cost the estate: $555. including interest payments and settled in 1862. See payment this page.
Documents and images related to the William Kelly Collection are property of the WU Pettus Archives, Rock Hill, S.C.
- Receipt for goods May 15th ________, signed R.R. Perrin, and W. Caswell of Columbia, S.C.
- Duplicate of the document – right.
- Welch and McCrory per James C. ____________, 1853 (Flooring planks and supplies)
- Jesse Wadlington vs Wm. Kelly & Delila Perry – 1819
- UN Information
- Document related to Wm. H. Kelly’s, perhaps that of the Sims and Kelly Company – business of 1842: Andrew Ballard, T.P. Sims, P.C. Richards (Ralph), G. Hobsons Estate of B. Farr (Gine), Thomas Booker (Daniel), William Dawkins Frances), C. Bowls (Sibley), Colonel Scaife (Marion, Peggy and Birt), W. Dawkins (Bell, Harriet, Richmond and Nelson), Thomas Booker (Charity), J.P. Farr (Sealy), John Shopkins (Anny and Patsy) , W. Riser (Eliza and Anthony), W.R. Farr (Jacob), Frank Hobson (Mary), James Hill (Jim), John Hopkins (Eleanor), James Spells (George).
- Travels by Wm. Kelly from S.C. into Tennessee, UN date.
- Travels by Wm. Kelly into Mississippi, date UN
- Names in Wm. Kelly’s travel book: Alfonzo H. Alley and Macius Alley – Date UN
- Wm. Kelly conducting business, misc. clothing, with the G.M. Thompson Company – 1857
- Received of W.R.A. (R.A. Thomas – Ex of Wm. H. Kelly’s Estate) Payment for coffin and monument. Paid 1862 to firm of Leavlel and Camron – location unknown.
- Received from David A. Thomas $6.09 – 1842
- Transport of iron for D.A. Thomas (David A. Thomas) 1840
- 1862 – Freight due on the delivery of Wm. Kelly’s tombstone on the Spartanburg and Union railroad. Signed by John Gibbs – Agent and W.R.A. Thomas – Executor
- Bearer of this note has permission to buy whisky – Alexander R. Taylor 1837
- Purchase of a trunk $15. from the firm of R. Swaffield and Co. signed by Murchison – 1858
- Received from Alston 1856 lumber payment via Summers and Chapin Company
- Wm. Kelly paid $10. in court case Kelly v James Stewart – 1829 Rowan Co NC (Calvin Stuart – Plaintiff’s Attorney)
- Date unknown – List of slave values: George (75 years old) – $225. Davey (60 years old) – $180. Polly (40 years of age) – $120. and Amanda (40 years of age) – $120. plus feeding on livestock signed by R.L. Sims or R.T. Sims.
- Envelope addressed to Wm. Kelly from Clinton Alabama – June 20th 1825 (Fishdam Post Office)
- Extensive letter in 1825 from R. Sims in Alabama to Wm. Kelly P. 1
- Extensive letter in 1825 from R. Sims in Alabama to Wm. Kelly P. 2
- Bill for services in Charleston SC for drayage and shipping of cotton – 1842 via Sims and Kelly with T. Adams and Sims Company
- 1850 Account payment with ___T.P. or L.P._____ Sims for merchandise.
- Letter from the Charleston firm of Rice – Sims & Barksdale (Commission Brokers) for overdue payment dated 1860. (Period of Wm. Kelly’s death.)
- T.P. Sims receives sixty three (63) sacks of corn at Shelton’s Ferry from Kelly’s boat – 1857.
- John Shelton receives $22.41 from Wm. Kelly – 1826
- P. Schoppert v Lucy Sims and Wm. Kelly – 1831 (R.H. _________) receives $$200. in payment. Mr. Shoppert was a well known contractor in Newberry S.C.
- Jno. Caldwell / J. Caldwell’s letter from Columbia S.C. to Wm. Kelly referring to S.O. Gordon and R.T. Sims as well as a note of $2000. – 1843
- Envelope addressed to Wm. Kelly @ Fishdam PO from A. Gordon Esquire – UN date.
- Letter from Jno. Caldwell of Columbia relating business needs and payments: Capt. Boykin’s proxy needed – 1837 (Also mentioned are Joseph Sims and a McMillin)
- Document from 1831-32 showing payments to J.H.D. (Dr. Joseph H. Dogan) also on lower side lists one N. Glenn.
- Note to Nathan Glenn for the amount of $500. via Wm. Kelly – 1830
- Full payment of note due from Wm. Kelly to T.G. Farr – 1821
- Fabric for the shroud of Mrs. P. Sims in 1821 provided by Titus G. Farr (T.G. Farr).
- Dennis Morman pays $5. on account and interest to the firm of Kelly and Sims – 1838
- David Morman or Dennis Morman – 1840 list of debts to: G.B. Glenn – Thomas Stokes – Austin Wilson – A.W. Duboise (Dubois) – Daniel Morgan – John Johns – Dr. Thompson
- Wm. Kelly pays $18.75 to clear account with Estate of Bowles – 1829 (Bowles was a neighbor of Wm. Kelly)
- Wm. Kelly note of $9.87 to Bowles (E.A. Bowles) – 1828
- UN Date
- Received payment of note 1842 by J. Kingsley for W.H. Askew or W.N. Askew
- Unknown payee of account….
- Wm. Kelly pays $24.75 for Hogg account to J. Gordon or A. Gordon (Ed. Stevens – Clerk) – 1824
- 1836 – Account with J.S. Lott of Columbia SC per T.W. Macon (Clerk) for Wm. Kelly
- Guano 30 bags – shipped to the Santuc Depot for Wm. Kelly by the firm of C.H. Baldwin in Columbia SC – 1859
- Duplicate page….
- Letter to Wm. Kelly dated 1860 dealing with payment due to Charleston commercial firm of Rice – Sims – Barksdale and …… noting that the firm of O’Neale and Crawford had returned said request for payment. (This was at a time when Kelly was perhaps dying.)
- Wm. Kelly pays $4. on the account of A.W. Dubois (Duboise) per N.C. Hughs – 1836
- Wm. Kelly pays his account in full with William Reid – 1829
- William Henderson (Overseer) – 1863 Received payment from Wm. Kelly’s executor Mr. Wm. R.A. Thomas.
- Kelly’s boat delivers three bales of cotton for client J.B. Nelson by R. Anderson per W. Rowan – Columbia 1860
- Received on Wm. Kelly 1841 $6.00 paid to M.C. Hughs (Hughes)
- Note of payment to John C. Jeter via Wm. Kelly – 1828 (John C. Jeter – Santuc Comm. Union Co. S.C. 1795 – 1845)
- Sale of 37 bales of cotton to Magwood and Patterson – 1827 (Charleston Jno. Robinson & Son Company – Wm. Miller Clk.)
- Balance sheet for 1826-27 cash paid Wm. Kelly – $944.41, cash paid Jno. Reid $143.51 and cash for cotton paid to W.G. or WG $166.86., cash paid Jno. Anderson $$25. via Jno. Robinson & Son Company, Wm. Miller, Agent.
- Cotton purchased from Wm. Kelly in Columbia SC 1861 by the Richard O’Neale Co., Tradwell – Agent. Signed by executor W.R.A Thomas, Esquire
- George Douglass witnesses note for Wm. Kelly to pay Elizabeth Shelton $76.96 upon demand, 1834.
- Payment of note due by Wm. Kelly for $2.44 to M. Holmes, (perhaps Raymond M. Holmes).
- Note payment to William Moore – 1819
- Two bales of cotton rejected for being damaged: marked W.K. for Wm. Kelly – 1857 by R.O. Neale, Agent for Charles O’Neale.
- Mr. N.B. Weston receives $3. for Wm. Smith’s corn, purchased by Wm. Kelly in 1836.
- UN date….
- Note of payment on Anna (Goree) dated 1825 for $42.43 to Wm. Kelly.
- A.S. McJunkin sending cotton belonging to J.O.L. Gregory to Mr. Kelly for storage with R. O’Neale – 1853
- Three days board of horse for Kelly – 1828 ($5.00)
- John P. Sartor and the Rev. George B. Tucker appraise the annual rental value of Wm. Kelly’s slaves: Matilda and children – $65., Ann and children – $00., Catherine – $45., Rhoda – $75., and Zena and child – $60. – Dated Feb. 18, 1860
- Received payment in full, Ferdinand H. McSh_______, 1827.
- Appears to be discharge of final payments for cotton brokerage ca. 1860-61 for Estate of Wm. Kelly. Note, Davis Caldwell, Columbia cotton factor listed.
- 1822 payment of account by Wm. Kelly via D. Sims. Signed Mims and Reid
- Jno. S. Lott and Co., 1833 – Rope returned for credit.
- B. Chick, 1818 payment in full from Wm. Kelly.
- Wm. Kelly please pay R.J. Gage / E. Hawkins per Isaac Gregory – 1836
- Wm. Kelly pays attorney fee for Schoppert v. Lucy Sims and Wm. Kelly – 1831 (R.H. Spencer Attorney)
- Thirty bales of cotton sold by Wm. Kelly – 1834 via Jno. L. Lott via Charleston’s Market prices, (cotton sales via W.K., F.McS., and J.E.)
- Full payment on account 1838, received from Mrs. Kelly, (J.R McThess) and Company.
- W.B. Thompson and Co., – 1839 payment via J.R. Caldwell.
- Wm. Kelly promises to pay Catherine Harris the wife of deceased Abraham Harris $13. – 1821
- Received of Wm. Kelly 1820 payment to B.P.T. Maybin.
- Pay John Tucker 1829 via John S. Wrenchey
- Wm. Kelly buys goods: tin, small tin, knife and two curry combs, $4.09. total cost – date UN
- Wm. Kelly paid Union Co., tax of $23.08 – 1828
- B.P. Gregory receives payment in full for Kelly’s account – 1820
- Mrs. Sims due $.150 to John E. Stewart – Date UN
- D. Thomas collecting 1833-34 poor tax for Union County.
- Document signed L. Rogers (Ledford Rogers, Mag.), dated 1832 with (J. Sherrill.)
- William Kelly pays Elijah Hawkins the sum of $19.50 as well as $7.37 for property bought of Elijah Hawkins. Signed by R. Macbeth, 1836
- $10. received from (Brandon), 1835 signed by A.W. Thomson and Wm. Kelly.
- Firm of Reid and Hooker credits Wm. Kelly’s account with $13.55. paid by Wm. Lyles – 1824
- Nathaniel Gist sues Wm. Kelly for payment of $1,578., plus interest. Wm. Kelly paid $1,600. of the debt and later the balance of $82.62. Union Co. Judge Thomas N. Dawkins presiding with clerk, A.W. Harrison, dated 1834.
- Received payment for meal from Mr. Kelly’s boat. Date unknown S. ________ Perry and J.W. _________.
- William Kelly sells two bales of cotton to Jno. S. Lott, cotton broker of Columbia SC, date unknown.
- A.W. Thomson, attorney witnesses a promissory note of payment, $186.70 plus interest, from Elijah Hawkins to Wm. Kelly – 1835.
- Payment on Wm. Kelly’s account in 1834 signed John L. Murrelli…., per Thomas M. Foote (Clerk)
- Received of Wm. Kelly $66.89 on account, Sims and Ashford – 1825
- Wm. Kelly pays full amount owed on account with the Firm of Douglass and Lancaster, 1833 by J.N. Hardy, Clerk.
- John B. Shelton receives payment of $41. from Wm. Kelly – 1828
- Full payment of account with the Firm of Gordon and Hawkins – 1824 to 1834 signed by Elijah Hawkins
- Wm. Kelly provides IOU to the Firm of Gordon and Lancaster for payment in 1835 signed J.N. Hardy – Clerk.
- Part of a order for goods, including iron, tools, etc., in the amount of $43.08. Appears as the same stationary used by the James Meacham Firm where Wm. Kelly purchased other tools and goods in 1835 and 1836.
- Case between Jonathan Humphry or Humphries and Abraham Kesler dated 1822. Wm. Kelly pays $6.70 to settle. M. Baldwin signed in 1822
- T.N. Dawkins – Plaintiff’s attorney orders G ___________ Evans to appear before Isaac Gregory, Esq. at the Union Courthouse to testify for Wm. Kelly (the plaintiff), and Elijah Hawkins (defendant), on Jan. 20, 1838.
- Duplicate – 1822
- Duplicate – 1838
- Mr. L.G. Hancock receives full payment from Wm. Kelly on goods and services – 1819
- Joseph Evans (perhaps of Chester Co SC), takes two notes via Wm. Kelly in 1825, one marked via L.P. Evans.
- 1836 – Wm. Kelly with the Firm of J. & R. Caldwell, credit of $2,716.17 for Wm. Kelly P. 2
- 1836 – Wm. Kelly with the Firm of J. & R. Caldwell, credit of $2,716.17 for Wm. Kelly P. 1
- Received of Wm. Kelly rent for house at West Springs, Mr. Wm. West, 1857.
- Bill for supplies from William West of West Springs, Union Co., S.C. – 1857
- Payment on account of $13.52 by Wm. Kelly at the Firm of A. Gordon – 1839 (See bill to the right.)
- Wm. Kelly’s account with the Firm of A. Gordon, 1839 for misc. cloth, gloves, and dishes.
- D. and J. Ewart Company of Columbia, S.C. charges fine straw bonnets and ribbon – 1839
- Mourning bonnet and cap: A.L. Winebrenner or Winebrener by Mrs. Kelly – 1860
- Bill for shoes and work by C.H. Douglass in the amount of $83.15 – 1859
- Bill for $11.12 for sugar and coffee: Jno. H. Carroll – 1831
- Purchase of boys shoe from G.M. Thompson and Co. signed by John B _____________ date UN
- Purchase of good in 1857@ the firm of N.C. (Brown)-N.C. Brown ?
- It is unclear as to the date of this document for bales of cotton being delivered.
- Bill for sugar and coffee from E. Hawkins dated 1833 signed by F. & J. McCully (Francis McCully of Columbia, S.C. 1789 – 1839)
- Bought of Hall Thomas: Saddle, brandy, sugar, coffee, shoes: 1823
- Bill for goods from James Morman – 1817
- Mrs. Allen purchases bonnets and ribbon in Columbia from the Firm of D. & J. Ewart and Company – 1839
- Sale of cotton per Stalher & Hills Company for Wm. Kelly – 1840. Leland Brothers and Company purchased cotton at .9$ per pound. R. and J. Caldwell Company per Wm. Rives, Charleston S.C.
- Balance sheet of Wm. Kelly with Firm of J. Caldwell and R. Caldwell: 1840 – & 1841 – $3,474.65 (Mentions firm of L. McMillan and the Jno. Kirkpatrick Company.
- Sending guano to Wm. Kelly by F.A. Tradwell – 1857
- Account for goods at Firm of Glenn & Sims – 1857 P. 2
- Two page account dated 1856 of the Firm of Green & Sims for John W. Kelly (the son of Wm. H. Kelly). P. 2
- Letter talking about information relayed by W.W. E_______ concerning George and John Hopkins funds. Date UN.
- Unclear as to the details of this document.
- Two page account dated 1856 of the Firm of Green & Sims for John W. Kelly (the son of Wm. H. Kelly). P. 1
- Wm. Kelly’s account for misc. sundries dated 1833 – 1835 with S. Wood (Silas Wood) per A. Gordon, P. 2
- Wm. Kelly’s account for misc. sundries dated 1833 with S. Wood. P. 1
- Charges for chamber pot and dishes, unknown date@ Firm of Hill and Scaife, Fishdam Ford, Union District, S.C.
- Invoice for 2 bars purchased from the firm of Risher and Agnew for Wm. Kelly by his factor@ the Firm of Scott and Ewart of Columbia, S.C – 1852
- John Le Master’s, of Union, S.C. bill to Wm. Kelly for sacks of corn in the amount of $137. during 1857.
- Invoice p.1, of sundry goods and services by the Firm of R. O’Neale – 1859 and 1860. Mentioned are payments to: G.N. Fowler and the Rev. J.W. Kelly (two payments totaling $700.), Rev. John Waller Kelly 1825-1885 was a citizen of Orangeburg, S.C., Holly Hill and later Marion, S.C. He was the son of Wm. H. Kelly and had lived in California for some years. See Find a Grave for extensive family history. Earlier on Nov. 9th and 30th 1858, Rev. Kelly received two credits totaling $500. from Wm. Kelly via R. O’Neale.
- Invoice p.2, of sundry goods and services by the Firm of R. O’Neale – 1859 and 1860. Signed by Tradwell for R. O’Neale.
- The Firm of John L. Lotte charges Wm. Kelly for bagging and rope in Columbia, S.C. – 1834
- Leger entry for goods purchased by Wm. Kelly from the Firm of J.L. Sims and Company@ Maybinton SC – 1836
- 1859 note R. O’Neale signed by Tradwell
- Brown Acct. – 1834 mentioning Elizabeth Shelton and Wm. Kelly
- IOU notes for goods via Elizabeth Shelton – 1823 and one for L. Brown or L. Broom.
- Note dealing with the weight of cotton sold by Wm. Kelly in 1835 via W. Rice of Columbia. Also signed by agts. McSwain and Gray.
- Bill for both Susan E. Hopkins dated 1855 and that for W. Kelly (75 yards negro cloth).
- Received payment 1838 from Wm. Kelly via William Smith’s mark.
- Purchase of flour, rope and other commodities by Wm. Kelly – Date and vendor UN.
- Columbia SC via the Firm of Jno. Reid in 1825. Wm. Kelly buys sugar, 6 pr. of London Duffels, flannel, etc. Also via Capt. Gillam’s wagon…. signed by S. Hooker.
- Mrs. Sims buys goods in Columbia from the Firm of W.B. Thompson in 1837.
- Note stating the weight of flour barrels is incorrect asking Mr. Kelly to have them checked: Date Unknown – Mr. Blalock and Mrs. Matthews – Mathews references.
- Note on Wm. Kelly dated May 25, 1860 paid via Wm. Hollingsworth
- It appears that this document relates to individuals in 1842 associated with purchases and those associated with said individuals who may also charge items: Andrew Ballard, L.P. Sims, E.C. Richards (Ralph), G. Hobson (Lucy), Estate of R. Farr (Gine), Thomas Booker (Daniel), William Dawkins (Frances), C. Bowls (Philby), Colonel Scaife (Marion) (Burt), W. Dawkins (Bell, Nelson, Harriet), G. Hobson (Richard), Thomas Booker (Charity), G.P. Farr (Sealy), Colonel Scaife (Peggy), W. Dawkins (Richmond), James Hill (George), John Hopkins (Anny and Patsy), W. Riser (Eliza and Anthony), W.R. Farr (Jacob), Frank Hobson (Mary), James Hill (Jim), John Hopkins (Eleanor)
- In 1860 Wm. Kelly takes a loan from W.H. Alewine witnessed by George B. (Lucks).
- A difficult to read document related to Wm. Kelly selling cotton to the Caldwell Firm of Columbia and shipping it to Charleston – 1840.
- Wm. Kelly sells 30 bales cotton to C. Westfield for $838.95 less charges in Charleston, S.C. – 1828 signed by George Catchartt or Cathcart.
- 1841 Receipt for cotton sales by the Firm of Adams – Stoney and Sims; (Mobile Alabama) per agent Frank (Redus) to Messer’s Sims and Kelly.
- Receipt for cotton in 1841 via Messer’s Sims and Kelly by steamer Mobile Alabama – Firm of Adams Stoney and Sims by agent Frank (Redus). It appears that R. Sims is a partner in the Mobile commission firm, who maybe kin to Sims of Union Co., S.C. and has been corresponding with said Kelly and Sims.
- Cotton sale documents for Messer’s Sims and Kelly in Mobile, Alabama ca. 1843
- Receipt for goods via 1838 at the Firm of J.J. Gracey and Company per R. Davis for Wm. Kelly.
- J.R. and W. Cunningham Company (Booksellers and Stationers) Columbia SC – 1837
- Shoes for the Kelly family in 1835 by Wm. W.B. (Doster).
- Kelly’s account with W.B. Weston dated 1833-1835 for shoes including: William – Luisa – Swan – Frances – Jane – and Harriett. Also shoes for Mrs. Kelly – John – Susan and himself. P. 1
- Kelly’s account with the Firm of Jno. Caldwell and Co. in 1838-39. Purchase of sundry goods: coffee, iron, nails, lamp oil. P. 2
- Kelly’s account with the Firm of Jno. Caldwell and Co. in 1838-39. Purchase of sundry goods: coffee, iron, nails, lamp oil. P. 1
- Bill from Wm. Kelly to Thomas DeGraffenreid dated 1856 & 1857 for corn and rye. Others mentioned: wheat for Blalock, and M. Smith Harden is also mentioned as signee.
- Statement of weights for both Kelly – Hawkins cotton as well as Gordon – Hawkins part dated 1834.
- Distribution of funds in 1869 from John W. Hawkins in Sumter Co. SC and signed by George W. Reardon C.C. 1870 – for case of Bryant F. Rhame v. John J.T. Richburg.
- Legal document dealing with J. W. Hawkins, date unknown. Also signed by: Thomas E. Richardson.
- Testimony of James A. Tucker in the sale of land to Wm. H. Kelly bound by Rice / Shelton Hollingsworth / Davis etc. in Union County S.C. Date UN Also mentions W. H. Abernathy.
- Eligible note concerning a 1835 case of Ratchford v. Wm. Kelly.
- 1838 bill from A. L. Park, M.D. for medical attention and visits received.
- Damages cotton bale Charleston S.C. 1857 signed by Walton Smith per E.H. Williams / H. Willaims
- R. O’Neale and clerk Tradewell receive cotton from Wm. Kelly’s boat in 1857. Seventy bales marked 66 for J.T.H. and 4 bales for J.B.N. Also below Kelly delivers 880 Lbs. of _______ to C.H. Baldwin of Columbia in 1860.
- Received from Kelly’s boat for B.B. – Mrs. Beam five bales of cotton – 1860 per R. O’Neale
- Received from Kelly’s boat for J.B. Jeter (J.B.J.) 1860 some twenty bales of cotton – R. O’Neale Columbia SC
- Smith Hardin sends 65 bales of cotton by Kelly’s boat to R. O’Neale in 1860.
- W. Alewine ships (9) bales cotton via Wm. Kelly’s boat to Columbia S.C. in 1859 to factor R. O’Neale
- Lengthy account with the Firm of R. O’Neale Columbia S.C. mentions: sundries of food, gun powder, nails, and a mattress but also cash to J.W. Kelly ($300. Rev. J.W.) – Firm of Summers & Chapin – cash to Ellis (boat man) – T.E. Ellis (cotton ?) – 28 bales cotton via R.J. Boulware and C. Price (Feb. 1859). P. 2
- Lengthy account with the Firm of R. O’Neale Columbia S.C. mentions: sundries of food, gun powder, nails, and a mattress but also cash to J.W. Kelly ($300. Rev. J.W.) – Firm of Summers & Chapin – cash to Ellis (boat man) – T.E. Ellis (cotton ?) – 28 bales cotton via R.J. Boulware and C. Price (Feb. 1859). P. 3 (Summer and Chapin).
- Delivered by Kelly’s boat to R. O’Neale in Columbia SC some (70) bales of cotton in 1858 marked: (39 bales) R&WW (13 bales) TMW (15 bales) WT (3 bales) WO “Sold”
- Received of Kelly’s boat by R. O’Neale (47) bales in 1858 marked with the initials: (16 bales) W.M. (23 bales) J.I. Jeter (8 bales) N.C.
- Received on Kelly’s boat (15) bales cotton marked: J.T. Hill – 1858 received by R. O’Neale
- Seventy-five (75) bales put in storage at R. O’Neale’s warehouse received from Wm. Kelly’s boat in 1858 marked: (72 bales) G.W. Hill (3 bales) B.E.
- Received (71) bales of cotton from Kelly’s boat marked W. Kelly’s cotton 1858 by R. O’Neale Agent.
- Sold (90) bales of cotton to R. O’Neale for $4,084.00 in 1858. Also pd out to W.H. Ailewine ($14.25) M.B. Wilburn@ Charleston ($150.)
- Please deliver by Mr. Kelly molasses etc. to Union District 1858
- Seventy (70) bales delivered by Kelly’s boat to R. O’Neale – 1858 marked: (31 bales) JTH – (4 bales) JBN – (12 bales) AC and (23 bales) MC.
- Page 2 of the 1857 & 1858 account for Wm. Kelly with the Firm of R. O’Neale, also cash paid J.M. Faucette, per Tradwell.
- Page 1 of the 1857 & 1858 account for Wm. Kelly with the Firm of R. O’Neale, also cash paid J.M. Faucette, per Tradewell. Also cash paid to Firm of Summer and Chapin Nov. 11 1856.
- Cotton bales (69) shipped by Kelly’s boat to O’Neale – 1857 (4) bales (BCJ) and 65 bales (GWH) for G.W. Hill.
- R. O’Neale receives (70) bales of cotton via Wm. Kelly’s boat marked: (66 bales) JTH and (4 bales) JBN – 1857.
- Delivered by Wm. Kelly’s boat 1858: 39 bales of cotton for R.W. and W.W. – 13 bales for T.M.W – 15 bales for W.I. and 3 bales for W.O. signed by R. O’Neale.
- Received in 1858 from Wm. Kelly’s boat 38 bales of cotton marked (S.E.H.) – 20 for (W.T.) – 61 for (R.W.) and 9 bales for (J.M.W.) Signed R. O’Neale, agent.
- Receipt dated 1857 for cotton via W. Kelly and C.B. Jennings marked: 44 bales W. Kelly and 26 cotton bales for C.J. – R. O’Neale.
- Thirty five bales of cotton via Kelly’s boat delivered to R. O’Neale per Tradwell. Cotton belonging to Chester planter: TDG (T. DeGraffenreid).
- Sixty three bales of cotton delivered to R. O’Neale and his agent Mr. Tradwell in 1856. Eight bales belong to E.G. – 21 bales to I.G. – 14 bales to W.R.#T and 20 bales from W.H.C.
- Received in Kelly’s boat seventy bales of cotton marked J.T.H. (58 bales) and C.J. (12 bales) @the Firm of R. O’Neale signed for by Mr. Tradewell in 1856.
- Lengthy account with the Firm of R. O’Neale Columbia S.C. mentions: sundries of food, gun powder, nails, and a mattress but also cash to J.W. Kelly ($300. Rev. J.W.) – Firm of Summers & Chapin – cash to Ellis (boat man) – T.E. Ellis (cotton ?) – 28 bales cotton via R.J. Boulware and C. Price (Feb. 1859). (Summer and Chapin). P. 1 of 3.
- Received cotton from Kelly’s boat in 1858: (16 bales for W.M.) (23 bales for J.I. Jeter) and (8 bales for N.C.) signed Tradewell for R. O’Neale Company.
- Account with R. O’Neale 1855 settled: cash pd Heoxie & Goodwin – cash pd Glenn & Sims settled 1857 by clk Tradewell.
- Received of Kelly’s boat in 1855 some (70) bales of cotton owned by: (59 bales) J.B.J. (10 bales) W.H. and (1 bale) by C.J. received by R. O’Neale.
- Lengthy account with the Firm of R. O’Neale Columbia S.C. mentions: sundries of food, gun powder, nails, and a mattress but also cash to J.W. Kelly ($300. Rev. J.W.) – Firm of Summers & Chapin – cash to Ellis (boat man) – T.E. Ellis (cotton ?) – 28 bales cotton via R.J. Boulware and C. Price (Feb. 1859). P. 1 of 3 *** On page 1 – J.L. McDowell listed as buying sugar (Nov. 9. 1858), D. English buys sugar (Nov. 9. 1858), another payment to Rev. J.W. Kelly ($300. – Nov. 9, 1858).
- T. Degraffenreid (TDG) ships (61) bales of cotton to R. O’Neale by Kelly’s boats – 1856.
- Mr. Rowan receives (164) bales cotton for the Firm of R. Anderson – 1860. Bales belong to (N.)E. Roach who paid Wm. Kelly a fee of $1.50 per bales for boat freight. Consisting of three loads in March and April of 1860.
- Daniel M. Mahan due rental fee for one year hiring out slave named John – 1830. He is to be furnished two suits of clothing, shoes, blankets, etc.
- Wm. Kelly with the Firm of Welch and McCrorey in 1853. Bill consists of luxury items: brandy, cigars, wool hat, whisky, over coat, sugar, coffee.
- Board for Wm. Kelly at Glenn Springs in Spartanburg County in 1856 signed by S.L. Leaphart for (Danny) and Arthur.
- Firm of Lawson and Sims@ Simsville Union Co SC – 1855 including hat for Barton, nails and misc. other items.
- I.D. initials on bales of cotton shipped by Kelly in 1856 – 1857: T. Degraffenreid Co. (TDC) 1856, John T. Hill (JTH) 1856, B.C. Jennings (CJ) 1856, G.B. Tucker (GBT) 1856, R. Wood (RW) 1856, J.M. Wood (JMW) 1856, J.B. Jeter (JBJ) 1856, G.W. Hill (GWH) 1856, Theo. Chalk (TC) 1856, Thomas Johnston (TC) 1856, W. Land (WL) 1856, L. Land (LL) 1856, W. Triplet (WT) 1856, L. Ballard (LB) 1856, W.S. McJenkins (WMcJ) 1856, J.T. Hill (JTH) 1856, J. Ellis (JE) 1856.
- Wm. Carter was paid for boating $1.00 per day (11) days on Feb. 27 1861 by Wm. R.A. Thomas the Executor of Wm. Kelly’s Estate.
- Wm. Kelly to pay Nancy Johnson (now Nancy Vessels) the amount of $150. due her in part of the sale of 136 acres sold by the Union County Court to said William Kelly – 1833.
- Lengthy account with the Firm of R. O’Neale Columbia S.C. mentions: sundries of food, gun powder, nails, and a mattress but also cash to J.W. Kelly ($300. Rev. J.W.) – Firm of Summers & Chapin – cash to Ellis (boat man) – T.E. Ellis (cotton ?) – 28 bales cotton via R.J. Boulware and C. Price (Feb. 1859). (Summer and Chapin). P. 1 of 3. Also see this page: W.H. Wilkins and T. (Heckeenan). Kelly also purchased: Rio coffee, two barrels of molasses and salt Mackerel.
- Samuel O. Gordon receives payment for andirons – pair of tongs – scales – weights and loom by Wm. Kelly – 1835. A. Duboise paid on said bill.
- Goods purchased by Wm. Kelly at the Estate sale of E. Hawkins in 1836 including: S. Evans (Rifle and mill) – W. Wood – W. Thomas – L. Henderson – John Smith – John Johns – S.W. Thomas – S. Hardy, Posey Hollingsworth – total purchases $37.27
- Account with the Firm of Reid and Hooker dated 1822 for sundry items including (3) mortising chisels. Also lists on Jno. B. Holland – P. 1 of 2
- Account with the Firm of Reid and Hooker dated 1822 for sundry items including (3) mortising chisels. Also lists on Jno. B. Holland – P. 1 of 2.
- B.T. Wheeler of Yorkville S.C. testifies on Wm. H. Kelly’s character – 1860. Document #2 in group.
- William Kelly pays A.W. (Mouzon) $45.00 in 1841 to settle case involving Young & Sons vs. Wm. Kelly.
- Wm. Kelly pays $10. in case of Kelly vs James Stewart of Rowan Co N.C. dated Dec. 14 1829. Calvin Stran___ Plaintiff’s Attorney.
- Duplicate Document – 1856
- Received of Wm. Kelly’s boat for the Laurens and Union Railroad 100 sacks of corn by L.P. Sims – Date UN
- Account with James A. Tucker (blacksmith and harness) 1844 purchasing gun lock – work on carriages – bridle bit – 1 new draw knife – stillyards repaired and more (1844 – 1853).
- C.B. Walker signs for delivery of lumber from Wm. Kelly’s boat delivery by rail to A.G. Summers at the railroad head – date UN
- Marble delivered to agent John Gibbes@ Spartanburg and Union railroad 1863 via W.R.A Thomas (Executor of Wm. Kelly’s Estate) perhaps for Kelly’s tombstone.
- Probate of Spartanburg and Union Railroad bill dated 1859 for misc. items shipped by Wm. Kelly. Stephen Johnson (for the railroad) sues for payment from the estate and is paid by W.R.A. Thomas in 1863. Ledford Rogers – Magistrate.
- Wm. Kelly paid to John Shelton (1825) days attending. – clock – oats – money lent.
- Firm of Scott and Ewart supply Wm. Kelly with iron – Columbia SC – 1852.
- Account with Wm. Kelly – Firm of John Rogers and Company (Unionville SC) – 1839. Mr. Kelly purchased brogans – a shawl – ribbon – shoes.
- Received from Kelly’s boat (5) bales of cotton marked BB for Mrs. Beam – 1860 per Firm of R. O’Neale signed by C. O’Neale.
- Account with R. O’Neale 1857 of Columbia SC includes: coffee – sugar – twine – rope and payment to H.C. Bronson of $61.37. Also on the same statement is Mrs. S.E. Hopkins account for sundry items.
- Wm. Kelly sends note to R. Gillam, Esq. 1842 discussing the Road Commissioners meeting at Green Pond: John Hopkins – Joseph Evans – Campground tent at Maybinton SC of which Kelly wishes usage. Maybinton Campground Tent
- Received by R. O’Neale in 1858 (75) bales of cotton marked: G.W. Hill (73 bales) and B.E. (3 bales).
- Payment of $160.47 for three scholars – tuition paid by Wm. Kelly to P. Haskell in 1843 to cover 1841, 1842 and 1843. (Teacher – Schooling)
- Kelly’s boat delivers (58) bales to Columbia SC to the Firm of R. O’Neale on Jan. 29 1858 cotton marked: (38 bales) SEH (20 bales) WT and on Feb. 5 1858 a second boat arrives with (70) bales marked: (61 bales) RW and (9 bales) JMW.
- Received in Columbia via Wm. Kelly’s boat (9) bales cotton marked WA for W. Alewine – 1859.
- Kelly’s boat delivers (61 bales of cotton) to R. O’Neale of Columbia for TDG / T.D.G. or T.G. Degraffenried of Chester Co SC – 1856. Also below – Kelly’s boat delivers (51 bales of cotton) for R. Farr to R. Anderson per W. Rowan – Agt. in Feb. 1856.
- Eligible note on the Mathis vs Kelly case involving T. Degraffenreid over the sale of corn. Date UN
- Duplicate document.
- Wm. Kelly’s bill for blacksmithing and more at Maybinton S.C. in Newberry Co. S.C. via D. Caldwell – 1836-1840 per (John Graham) (William Mayfield) (2 large panes of glass).
- In 1837 Wm. Kelly pays Mr. J.B. Graham $15. for buggy shafts and improvements. Signed D. Caldwell – Magistrate 1840.
- Wm. Kelly pays James Carter in 1857 for (11) days work on repairs to his boat and work on a wheel.
- Joseph Evans paid for working on Kelly & Glenn’s sawmill at different time $62. – 1838-1839
- Wm. Kelly vs E. Hawkins mentioning: J. Evans, W. Wood, W. Thomas, L. Henderson, John Smith, Hardy, Posey, Hollingsworth, Broom, Smith. Kelly pays total of $37.27 – DUPLICATE DOCUMENT
- Wm. Kelly’s account with H.C. Bronson in Columbia SC dated 1857 for bacon – iron – sugar and sundry items.
- Reuban Gilliam requests Wm. Kelly to purchase a barrel of fish for him while in Charleston SC – 1828
- Four pair shoes made and others purchased by Wm. Gill (shoe maker) for Wm. Kelly in 1837: Kelly – Gill – Jane – 17 pr negro shoes made.
- Elizabeth Shelton pays Wm. Kelly for money paid on her behalf in 1832 – 1834 to the following: George Brown – Richard O’Neale – E. Shelton (cash) – Frances – Matthews. Also hauling with two carts – wagon and numerous hands. Two hands to raise the wall. To Boggan / Bogan and Roof for (4) bales of cotton. And purchasing mule from Dr. Douglas for $75.
- George Douglass of The Oaks Plantation@ Goshen Hill rents four hands for a month from Wm. Kelly. The bill is also for Kelly supplying nails and corn dated 1832-33.
- Wm. Kelly buys nails from B.F. Sims via D. Caldwell@ Maybinton SC – 1835 paid in 1837.
- Purchased cloth and ribbons from Estate of Bowles – UN Date
- Charleston Firm of Rice – Sims – Barksdale request payment from Wm. Kelly – 1860 (They are unaware of his recent death.)
- James Cathcart of Columbia accepts (43) bales of cotton from Kelly’s boat on behalf of Coleman Crosby marked CC – 1858
- Payment of Wm. Kelly’s account in full per ____ Caldwell Company – 1830
- Duplicate document: Kelly vs A.G. Floyd in York District SC – 1860
- Account of Wm. Kelly with the Firm of H.C. Brunson 1857 purchasing sundry goods in Columbia S.C. P. 2 per Baldwin Clerk
- Account with the Firm of H.C. Brunson 1857 purchasing sundry goods in Columbia S.C. P. 1
- Account paid in full Wm. Kelly with A. Gordon – 1840
- Letter from Wm. Kelly’s son John talking about the poor conditions of the area around Morganton, N.C. – Date UN
- Received by Kelly’s boat (70) bales cotton for R.L. Lyles and J.V. Lyles Feb. 2 1860 signed by R.A. for the Rowan Company of Columbia SC. Document #2 – Firm of G.M. Thompson and Company dated 1857 for hats and boots. Location unknown.
- Sundry items purchased and cash to Kelly & Sims – Date UN
- Letter addressed to Mrs. R.R. Perrin or R.R. Perron in Newberry District appearing to be sent by Delila Perry – 1819
- Account with James Meacham (Dr. James Meacham – Kelly’s neighbor), in 1835 – Wm Kelly buys tools. P. 1
- Account with James Meacham (Dr. James – Kelly’s neighbor) in 1835 and 1836 (Purchases sheep.) p. 2
- Two page letter concerning the case between J.L. Mathews and Wm. Kelly over corn and fodder sales. Letter also mentions: T. Degraffenreid. Unclear as to what action besides settling out of court that Kelly wished to take. Date UN – P. 2
- Two page letter concerning the case between J.L. Mathews and Wm. Kelly over corn and fodder sales. Letter also mentions: T. Degraffenreid. Unclear as to what action besides settling out of court that Kelly wished to take. Date UN – P. 1
- Received of the Firm of J. and R. Caldwell Company 1850 (3) bales of cotton marked Mrs. Susan Hopkins and (12) for Wm. Kelly.
- Note from Wm. Kelly paid to Hiram Hutchison $195.93 – 1828
- Wm. Kelly bought of Hiram Hutchison in 1828
- William Kelly agrees to pay within sixty days Mr. Hiram Hutchison $43.82 dated Columbia May 25 1827.
- Work done for Wm. Kelly on buggy 1858 by T.P. Hardy.
- Extensive letter from Green Co. Alabama to Wm. Kelly – Date UN P. 1 of 2
- Extensive letter from Green Co. Alabama to Wm. Kelly – Date UN P. 2 of 2
- Page 1 of Wm. Kelly’s Account with the Firm of A. Gordon dated 1840. Misc. buttons, dishes, cloth, gloves purchased.
- Envelope for Mr. Kelly’s account.
- Page 3 of Wm. Kelly’s Account with the Firm of A. Gordon dated 1840. Misc. buttons, dishes, cloth, gloves purchased.
- Page 2 of Wm. Kelly’s Account with the Firm of A. Gordon dated 1840. Misc. buttons, dishes, cloth, gloves purchased.
- Duplicate document – 1835
- Account with Samuel O. Gordon dated 1832 @Meansville PO Union Co SC for: plates – bowls – dinnerware – lady’s gloves – stockings etc. See R&R Union Co pages for location of Meansville in ca. 1850.
- Received in full payment Jan. 1834 – George Douglass
- A.G. Floyd of York County SC is owned $170. by W.H. Kelly (Wm. Kelly) on note dated 1860. Also York County S.C. Magistrate Mr. J.F. Wallace takes statement of Kelly’s honesty from local carriage maker B.T. Wheeler of York S.C.
- Envelope addressed to Mr. Wm. Kelly @ Fish Dam, S.C.
- Wm. Kelly buys vice – sheets of iron and sledge hammer from D. Ewart and J. Ewart Company – Columbia SC in 1834.
- Envelope addressed to Wm. Kelly Union S.C. from Morganton N.C.
- Letter written from Hawkinsville Ga. to Elizabeth Kelly from Wm. Kelly who is traveling about 35-40 miles a day to visit Florida – 1837.
- Envelope from Wm. Kelly to Elizabeth Kelly from Hawkinsville, Ga. – 1837
- Firm of J. Dunovant and T.J. Dunovant with Wm. Kelly – 1852
- The Firm of H.P. Dougal and Son sells boots and shoes to Wm. Kelly – 1857-1858. Included in list are: 77 pr. brogans – Nelson – Simon – Berry – daughter.
- Plat of East Bay Street in Charleston SC – Ward #47
- William Carter receives $67.45 from the Estate of Wm. Kelly as per J. Hamilton – Magistrate (Wm. R.A. Thomas Executor)
- Document #2 concerning the probate settlement of William Carter (Boatman and Overseer) – 1860
- Note for Wm. Kelly’s account with B.F. Sims of Maybinton SC- 1835 to 1836 (Mentions payment to D. Caldwell)
- Note concerning the Firm of R. & J. Caldwell (R. Caldwell and J. Caldwell) – Unclear and undated.
- Payment to D. Crawford@ Maybinton SC for blacksmithing and other work. Also payment to William Mayfield and groom dated 1836 – 1840. *** Note the Mayfield family has holdings in Chester Co., S.C. just across the Broad River. See Mayhugh’s Heritage Maps for Chester County for location.
- J.B. “John” Tucker request payment of $13. from Wm. Kelly via D. Caldwell – March 31 1838
- Duplicate document: H.C. Brunson and Wm. Kelly 1857 Columbia SC
- Wm. Kelly purchases sundry items from H.C. Brunson of Columbia SC in 1857 including a broad axe – group of planes – padlock – buckets – andirons – shovel and tongs. P. 2 of 2
- Wm. Kelly purchases sundry items from H.C. Brunson of Columbia SC in 1857 including a broad axe – group of planes – padlock – buckets – andirons – shovel and tongs. P. 1 of 2
- Note to Wm. Kelly via C.H. Baldwin concerning the supply and shipment of guano to Mr. Kelly as well as Blue Stone. He can receive additional guano from Mr. Jacob Wells if needed. Date UN
- Invoice to Wm. Kelly from Columbia Firm of C.H. Baldwin – 1860
- Wm. Kelly’s boat brings (51) cotton bales owned by R. Farr delivered to R. Anderson – 1856
- Received of Kelly’s boats (164) bales of cotton for R. Anderson in 1860. Marked as: (N.E. Roads) or W.E. Roads charged for 150 bales.
- Feb. 2, 1860 Kelly’s boats deliver (70) bales of cotton to Columbia via R. Anderson. Bales marked as: R.I. Lyles and J.V. Lyles (Husband and wife.)
- Received (51) bales of cotton from Kelly’s boat in 1860 owned by (2 bales) D.H. (35 bales) A. Gordon and (14 bales) W.E. Hardy. Consigned by R. Anderson.
- Freight on bales of cotton delivered to Columbia to the R. Anderson Company 1860: G. Ashford (24 bales) C.W. Hodges (22 bales), W.H. Kelly (15 bales) B. Hancock (6 bales) D. Gross (9 bales) W.E. Hardy (14 bales) (J.B. Nelson (3 bales) A. Gordon (35 bales) W. Davis (2 bales) and T.E. Isom (8 bales). Total price of delivery $119. cash pd. to A.L. Perry by R. Anderson and Company.
- Received by Kelly’s boat (12) bales of cotton via B. Richards – 1860. R. Anderson for the Firm of W. Rowan.
- Delivered (8) bales from Wm. Kelly’s boat to Columbia in 1852 delivered to the Canal & Warehouse Company via James S. Anderson. Bales belonging C.W. Hogges and cotton shall be shipped to Depot as ordered. Owners name was incorrect it should have read: Dr. C.W. Hodges, a neighbor of Kelly.
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IMAGE GALLERY OF THE KELLY COLLECTION – A large number of these papers can be found on specific county sites dealing with each receipt and journal entry!
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