The images shown here were taken in Union County between 1935-1950. Each has been provided courtesy of the South Carolina Dept. of Archives and History. R&R many not reproduce these images but individual photographs may be requested via the SCDAH at:
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User comments welcome – post at the bottom of this page.
becky johnson (jeter) says
My father attended Sims High School & he won a football scholarship. I wonder did they have yearbooks back then for AA. I would love to purchase one, by the way his name is Jesse Jeter.
rradmin says
Your best bet is to look online, good luck!
George Jeter says
Does anyone know of a school/community named padderack (spelling could be wrong)?…perhaps near sedalia? My friend Sue Whitney Fendley used to ride a horse from her house on 176 through the country to teach there.