"Classic midlands architecture demolished in the name of progress." City Directories and … [Read more...]
136 Chesnut Street – Sarsfield Plantation
City Directories and History: The last of the homes of General and Mrs. James Chesnut, "Sarsfield" … [Read more...]
101 Union Street – Samuel Wyly Tract & The Irish Quaker in Camden, S.C.
From 1752 to ] 768 the Catawba Indians' best friend and protector was a Quaker storekeeper by the … [Read more...]
108 Kirkwood Lane – Kamschatka House in Camden, S.C.
City Directories and History: When Confederate General James Chesnut built his house in the … [Read more...]
1707 Lyttleton Street – Bloomburg House
City Directories and History: 1964 - Henry Savage Jr. "Bloomsbury", circa 1854 was built by … [Read more...]
1515 Lyttleton Street
City Directories and History: 1913 - W.L. McDowell, 1925 - W.L. McDowell, 1941 - Retta H. McDowell, … [Read more...]