“A magnificent Wedgefield Queen Anne farmhouse.”
City Directories and History: This distinct and very historic piece of Sumter County architecture, has been associated with three established Wedgefield community families, for generations. The Thomas family owned and lived at this home during much of the mid 20th century. The images and information related to this house have been

The three Thomas brothers in the late 1930’s at Wedgefield, Lee H. Thomas, Jr. (middle).
contributed by the Thomas family in 2015.
Aycock, William Thomas, lawyer ; born at Rocking- ham, N. C., February 24, 1868; son of James Henry and Henrietta Leonora (Brogdon) Aycock; attended schools at Rockingham, N. C., and Wedgefield, S. C., Bingham Military School, Mebane, N. C., four years, graduate of South Carolina College with degree of A. B., 1889, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, with degree of LL.B., 1896; has been practicing law in Columbia, S. C., since 1900 in partnership with Francis H. Weston ; in 1920 was elected to a vacant chair in the law school of the University of South Carolina ; solicitor and director of the Palmetto National Bank, Columbia, member of the Board of Trustees of the Columbia City schools, director of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, 1918, member of the firm James Aycock & Sons, planters and merchants, Wedgefield, S. C.; chairman of the Richland County Democratic Committee, member of S. C. House of Representatives, 1904, sat at Columbia as a special circuit judge, 1911; married Mary MacDonald Stewart, Columbia, S. ., February 26, 1906; member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Masons, K. of P. Home, Columbia, S. C., Courtesy of Who’s Who in S.C. – 1921

Extended Thomas family kin gathered for a tour of their historic family home in ca. 2005. Image courtesy of the L.H. Thomas Family – 2015
The home is a rambling merger of Queen Anne and Italianate architectural styles, making it very unique to the region.
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