“A Methodist Institution – Wofford’s Fitting School for Boys”
City Directories and History: Wofford College is a small liberal arts institution that is Methodist affiliated. Its 80-acre, and 30+ building complex, has grown from the original campus of 35 acres containing the Main Building and five faculty residences. The college was opened in 1854 through the $100,000 bequest of a local minister, Reverend Benjamin Wofford. The historic district consists of the main building and six Georgian derived houses. The Wofford Main Building was designed by the Charleston architect Edward C. Jones in the Italian Villa style that had been popularized

Wofford Main Building (Old Main) – Images courtesy of the Segars Collection
nationally by Alexander Jackson Davis. It is a three-story stucco structure with square giant order columns supporting a massive portico framed by twin towers. Large side wings abut the central section. The six two-story brick residences have wide central halls flanked by rooms to either side. They are in a vernacular style that was popular for southern homes. Four of the buildings date to 1854. All have one-story front verandas. Listed in the National Register December 27, 1974. Main Building was designed by noted architect; Edward C. Jones of Charleston, S.C.
(Courtesy of South Carolina Department of Archives and History)
“Wofford College was founded at Spartanburg in 1854 and has never closed, not even during the War Between the States. Affiliated with the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, Wofford is named for Rev. Benjamin Wofford, traveling Methodist minister. In his will, he left $100,000 for endowing a college for men in his home district of Spartanburg. Wofford is still a college for men, with a present enrollment of 1,000.”
Information from: Names in South Carolina by C.H. Neuffer, Published by the S.C. Dept. of English, USC
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on July 19, 1883 – “The following gentleman have given $1,000. each to the endowment fund of Wofford College: George W. Williams, Esq. of Charleston, the Honorable Simpson Bobo of Spartanburg, Dr. H. Baer of Charleston, and Mr. T.W. Stanland of Summerville.”
The Rock Hill Herald reported on Dec. 2, 1886 – “There were two fires in Spartanburg on Monday night. One was in the stables of Dr. Wofford, who lost a horse, a mule, a phaeton and a supply of forage. The other fire was the house of Mr. Steen, which burned however he saved most of the furniture.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Jan. 6, 1892 – “Mrs. James H. Carlisle, the wife of Pres. of Wofford College died last Thursday. She was the daughter of James H. Bryce of Columbia.”
“Wofford College, created by the Rev. Benjamin Wofford’s bequest of $100,000, began its work in 1854. The high moral tone of Wofford College students has always been a subject of congratulations to the board of trustees and faculty. There are at present 103 students in attendance.
The faculty is as follows: James H. Carlisle, president, mathematics and astronomy; the Rev. Whitefoord Smith, emeritus professor of English literature and elocution; Daniel A. DuPre, chemistry, physics, and geology; J.A. Gamewell, Latin; Granville Goodloe, Greek; the Rev. A. Coke Smith, metaphysics and political science; Augustus W. Long, English language and literature; J.H. Marshall, French and German; and the Rev. John C. Kilgo, financial agent.
The Wofford Fitting School, located in the old Spartanburg Female College property, was organized in 1887 to prepare students for higher education. The enrolment books for the current year show the handsome sum total of 105 matriculates. Headmaster A.G. Rembert is assisted by William G. Blake and E.D. Smith.” (Reprinted from South Carolina in the 1880s: A Gazetteer by J.H. Moore, Sandlapper Publishing Company – 1989)
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Postcard image courtesy of the Turner Collection – 2012

Postcard images courtesy of the Willis Collection – 2016
- Images courtesy of the S.C. Dept. of Archives – ca. 1980
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