1499 Russell Street
City Directories and History: (East Russell Street Inn) The Hotel Eutaw, constructed between 1926 and 1927, is significant for its construction through a community-action campaign that reflected the optimism of local residents in the future development and growth of Orangeburg. In addition, the hotel is a locally significant example of the early twentieth century method of skyscraper construction and

Early 20th century postcard view of the hotel. Courtesy of the AFLLC Postcard Collection – 2017
composition. Prominent southeastern architect G. Lloyd Preacher designed the Hotel Eutaw. Joe W. Stout & Company of Sanford, North Carolina, was awarded the building contract for $173,800. The Hotel Eutaw was financed through a stock subscription project which involved many citizens of Orangeburg working through three community-action groups, the Young Men’s Business League, the Lion’s Club, and the Rotary Club. These groups met in February 1926 and by April 1926 had raised a total of $233,200 in subscriptions. The building has seen few alterations since its construction. The Hotel Eutaw is a seven-story, steel-frame skyscraper with an L-shaped plan. The facade sheathing is extruded tapestry brick in stretcher bond. The façade has a projecting one-story entrance block of cast stone which is six bays wide. The three bays to the right are double-door entrances to the hotel lobby. Cast stone quoins lead to a major entablature on the façade between the second and third stories. A cast stone and brick frieze with diamond-shaped inserts separates the sixth and seventh stories. The detailing on the interior of the upper floors is simple in comparison to the first floor lobby and dining room, which feature a series of massive square posts with decorative plaster cornices and moldings. Listed in the National Register September 20, 1985.
(Courtesy of South Carolina Department of Archives and History)
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