City Directories and History: The images shown here were taken in Marion County between 1935-1952. Each has been provided courtesy of the South Carolina Dept. of Archives and History. R&R many not reproduce these images but individual photographs may be requested via the SCDAH at:
Enjoy viewing these images and take a minute to provide a comment (found at the bottom of the page), on their history or location by referring to a specific school name. Data on the school, teachers, construction, etc., will be collected and used to build individual page for each school. You may also share additional photographs via the Share Link or digitize them and mail them directly to Roots and Recall, instructions are found on the Share Link.
Your input is critical to the continued building of Fairfield County’s homeplace history site and much of the data users share with R&R is provided as a courtesy to local institutions.
Click on this link for extensive information on Rosenwald School histories in South Carolina.
Please enjoy this structure and all those listed in Roots and Recall. But remember each is private property. So view them from a distance or from a public area such as the sidewalk or public road.
Do you have information to share and preserve? Family, school, church, or other older photos and stories are welcome. Send them digitally through the “Share Your Story” link, so they too might be posted on Roots and Recall.