1200 High Market
City Directories and History: (Winyah Graded & High School; Old Winyah School; Georgetown Graded & High School) The Winyah Indigo School is comprised of a 1908 graded school and auditorium, and a ca. 1924 auditorium extension and high school addition to the rear. It was constructed in the Classical Revival style. Significant as a design of the prominent Columbia, SC firm of Wilson, Sompayrac and Urquhart, the 1908 school was built by John Jefferson Cain, contractor, also of Columbia. David B. Hyer, an architect from Charleston, designed the 1924 high school building, which was built by the Cheves-Oliver Construction Company, also of Charleston.
An important landmark in Georgetown, this school was built on what had historically been a commons area for the townspeople. It is one of the few, surviving, relatively intact early twentieth century brick school buildings in Georgetown County. The entire masonry building rests on a raised masonry and concrete foundation. The foundation is separated from the exterior brick walls by a concrete string course. The low hip roof of the building is covered with asbestos shingles. A full basement is located beneath the grade school. The auditorium links the graded school and the high school. Listed in the National Register November 3, 1988. [Courtesy of the SC Dept. of Archives and History]
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