City Directories and History: The Pee Dee River Planters Historic District includes extant buildings, structures, and rice fields associated with twelve rice plantations located along the Pee Dee River (Hasty Point, Breakwater, Belle Rive, Exchange, Rosebank, Chicora Wood, Guendalos, Enfield, Birdfield, Arundel, Springfield, Dirleton) and five rice plantations located along the

Photo contributed to R&R by Gazie Nagle @
Waccamaw River (Turkey Hill, Oatland, Willbrook, Litchfield, and Waverly). These plantations were part of a large rice culture in the county which flourished from ca.1750 to ca.1910. The rice culture produced most of the rice grown in South Carolina during that period when the colony, and later, the state, was the leader in rice production in America. This district includes four plantation houses (at Exchange, Rosebank, Chicora Wood, and Dirleton); two rice barns (at Hasty Point and Exchange); collections of plantation outbuildings (at Chicora Wood and Arundel); a rice mill and chimney (at Chicora Wood); and historic ricefields with canals, dikes, and trunks. The plantation houses are all frame houses with a central hall plan. Listed in the National Register October 3, 1988. [Courtesy of the SC Dept. of Archives and History]
“Weymouth plantation, for years a holding of the Izard family, is believed to have been named for the port of Weymouth in southern Great Britain. Equally British in origin is the name of Arundel plantation, so called for Arundel castle on the Arun river in Sussex. The English castle still stands and, at least until a few years ago, was in good condition. Arundel on the Peedee has been owned longest by the LaBruce family, which conveyed it in 1955 to the present owner, Alexander Quattlebaum.”
Information from: Names in South Carolina by C.H. Neuffer, Published by the S.C. Dept. of English, USC
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