Celebrated Williamston Mineral Spring….
The Rock Hill Herald reported on May 27, 1880 – “The valuable water power belonging to Major George W. Anderson near Williamston has been sold to a Charleston capitalist for $10,000. It is proposed to erect a cotton factory upon it with a capital stock of $400,000.”
City Directories and History: The Rock Hill Record reported on Jan 23, 1908 – “Mr. J. E. Sirrine, the well known architect and engineer, is drawing plans for a $300,000., cotton mill to be erected at Blacksburg by a new company organized by Mr. G. Lang Anderson, who is Sec. of the Williamston Mills. This mill will manufacture fine sheeting.”
Note that under the leadership of the Methodist Rev. Lander, the Williamston Female College became very successful, later being moved to Greenwood, S.C. and evolving into Lander University. See historic marker image below for further details….

The highly successful Williamston Female College attracted students from across the region. Anderson Township Map of 1877
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