City Directories and History: Little Arlington/Dr. Samuel Marshall Orr House
Constructed in 1885 by Dr. Samuel Marshall Orr, this two-story Greek Revival style clapboard house has a front façade of four massive fluted columns supporting a broad, plain entablature with low-sloped, boxed cornice pediment. The cornices of the hipped tin-covered roof, pediments, and shed roofs of side porches are adorned with modillions. The front entrance consists of double doors surrounded by a three-light transom, four-light rectangular sidelights, and a pilaster

Images courtesy of the SC Dept. of Archives and History – 1984
molding that supports a paneled entablature. Directly above the front entrance a double casement window flanked by single casements opens onto a small balcony with a wooden balustrade. Piazzas extend halfway along each side façade and terminate at side entrances which have three-light transoms.
The basic plan of the house is four rooms over four with a central hall and stairway. The divided open-string stairway with ornamental brackets rises to a landing and proceeds to the second story along a reversed single stairway.
Dr. Orr practiced medicine in Anderson for twenty-five years and was also active in civic and industrial affairs. He served as director of the first building and loan association in Anderson, chairman of the medical board at the hospital, and president and treasurer of Orr Cotton Mills and of the Anderson Water, Light and Power Company. Listed in the National Register April 13, 1973. (Courtesy of South Carolina Department of Archives and History)

Dr. Samuel Marshall Orr
Presently, the Dr. Samuel Marshall Orr House is home to the Anderson County Woman’s Club and is available for year-round rentals.
Additional Links
Dr. Samuel Marshall Orr House, National Register of Historic Places information
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