City Directories and History: (Erwinton Plantation & Hunting Club) Erwinton is a one and one-half story, white clapboard structure built upon a raised brick basement. It was constructed ca. 1828 by Dr. William Robinson Erwin. The front façade is characterized by three dormers and a piazza that extends its entire length as well as halfway down each of the side facades. Fourteen square wooden columns extend along the piazza, and similar pilasters ornament the corners of the house and frame the doorways. Erwinton is an example of Bahamian-influenced raised cottage style of architecture. This style was prevalent in the Southeast, particularly on the coast, during the nineteenth century. The dormers were added during the 1950s. Dr. William Erwin, the original owner of Erwinton, his wife and sister-in-law were all excommunicated from Kirkland Church in 1833 for their affiliation with other denominations. They then formed the second Christian congregation, the Disciples of Christ, in South Carolina. They held weekly meetings at Erwinton until 1835 when the present meeting house was completed and dedicated as Antioch Christian Church. Listed in the National Register May 24, 1976.
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