Stonewall Jackson Kimball (1862 – 1936): The Kimballs lived in the old Keesler house until 1892, when Mr. Kimball erected a new and very attractive five-room cottage, surrounding it with lovely gardens and shade trees. Eventually, the lot ceased to be used for residential property. The writer remembers Mr. Roddey Reid‘s filling station on the lot. Later, the headquarters building of the Rock Hill National Bank, an elegant structure in Williamsburg style, was erected there. Today that building is owned by Bank of America. But from the 1890‘s until the 1920‘s the place was always referred to as ―”the Kimball place.” [Information taken from Wm. B. White, Jr. – Along the Lands Ford Road, Vol I]
The Rock Hill Herald of June 24, 1886 reported – “Mr. S.J. Kimball has bought the Frew Homestead on Hampton Street and is having it repaired.”
The Charleston News and Courier reported on June 7, 1890 – “S. J. Kimball and Co., are dealers in fancy and heavy groceries. This is one of the latest additions to the business sector of Rock Hill.”
Mr. Kimbrell operated a large and highly successful livery stable on the lot where in 2014 the old Rock Hill National or BOA bank sits empty on the corner of Main and South Oakland Avenue. In 2016 this became South State Bank’s local headquarters.
The Herald reported on Aug. 14, 1897 – “A livery stable was under construction on Main Street for S. J. Kimball.”
The Rock Hill Record on June 27, 1910 reported that S. J. Kimball has bought a fine farm of 300 acres located about 3.5 miles west of the city. You can stand in the front yard of the home and look over Rock Hill.”
Click on Kimball to see additional information.
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