City Directories and History: Yorkville’s merchant, Mr. John H. Adams (1814-July 3, 1875), was a respectable merchant and farmer. The White family of Rock Hill purchased goods from him over a twenty year period. The federal census data states the following: 1850 – born York District, merchant, real estate $8,000., age 26, living with Joseph A. Wheale, Clk. (19)…, 1860 – John H. Adams, 38 born ca. 1812, merchant, real estate of $8,500., and personal property of $53,000…, 1870 – John H. Adams, 54, born ca. 1816, listed as retired merchant, Personal value of $8,000. and real estate valued at $9,000., living with Wm. H. McCorkle and Elva McCorkle. He was buried at Bethel Presbyterian Church, near his brother, James Leander Adams (Dec. 23,1819 – July 1, 1888).
*** Note that W.H. McCorkle was one of Adams partners in the mercantile business.
The Orangeburg News and Times reported on July 24, 1875 – “Mr. John H. Adams, one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of York County died on July 2, 1875.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on July 29, 1875 contained an ad concerning the settlement of the estate of John H. Adams, deceased. It mentions J. Leander Adams of the Administrator of the Estate. John H. Adams had been running a store in Yorkville for sometime and the administer advertised goods for sale such as: hats, boots, shoes, clothing, dress goods, and hardware.”
Yorkville Enquirer – July 20, 1864 – A large and well filled basket of provisions provided to wounded soldiers by J. Leander Adams and Mrs. Sue Watson of Bethel, includes ham, cakes and pies.
Yorkville Enquirer – April 12, 1865 – Asking for contributions to help soldiers in the Chester Hospital and Soldiers Home. Send contributions to J. Leander Adams, Esq. of Bethel and others.
Yorkville Enquirer – July 18, 1888 – Death in Gastonia of J. Leander Adams from typhoid fever. Raised and lived in Bethel until four years ago when he moved to Gastonia. Elder in Bethel Presbyterian Church, age 67. Survived by wife and three children.
Yorkville Enquirer – Aug. 21, 1873 – AD for John H. Adams – “new spring goods, dress goods, and trimming, gents clothing, and furnish; hats, caps, boots, and shoes.”
Yorkville Enquirer of Oct. 1, 1868 – AD for John H. Adams – “announces to his old friends and customers that he has resumed the Mercantile Business at the old stand of Adams, McCorkle and Company, where he will keep on hand a well selected stock of goods. Col. W.H. McCorkle and Col. J.A. McCorkle are employed in the store and will be pleased to receive the call of their friends.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Sept. 2, 1880- “J.J. Smith and Co., have remodeled and repainted the store room in which John H. Adams did business for many years.” The Yorkville Enquirer of March 22, 1883 reported – “The dry goods house of J.J. Smith and Co., has gone into liquidation. The firm has labilities of about $4,200. George W. S. Hart, Esq., has been appointed assignee.”
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