The Yorkville Enquirer reported on March 23, 1887 – “Ward and Allison have opened a drugstore at Hickory Grove.”
City Directories and History: Pinckney Allison built this hipped roof Neoclassical home on McGill Road in 1930. The frame structure features a dominant two-story full facade front porch with hipped roof and Tuscan columns. Across the road from the house is an 1850s notched log outbuilding and a tenant house constructed around 1903. [Historical Properties of York County, SC – 1995]
The addition of the low front porch and handsome columns gives the house a grand appearance, however the house remains very plain and is in the form of a simple four square house from the period. Mr. Allison was a member of the prominent Allison family, early settlers to the region. The home originally belonged to the Byars family who had married into the Allisons. See the site of Mrs. Byars (L. Belle Byars Allison was born February 24, 1860, the daughter of Theodore Byars and Amanda Smith Byars and married an Allison), home as that of the location in 1910 of what became the Pink Allison house. For additional information on the Allison’s genealogy and history see the Allison Plantation entry on Roots and
Click on the More Information > link found below the picture column for a 1910 map of the area.
Informative links: Neoclassical
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