This lot was part of the original Lot #7 – North; the location of Saint John’s United Methodist Church….
City Directories and History: 1908 – C.S. May – RH City Clerk and Treasurer, RH Telephone Co., and W.A. Pressley, 1913 – Whisonant Realty and Insurance Agency, Moore and Moroney (Harness Makers), 151.5 – W.A. Pressley, J.E. Poag Realty, C.A. Dobbins (Contractor, W.H. Gladden Realty, Palmetto Detective, Hook and Rogers Architects, 1917 – NA, 1922 – Parker & Smoak Clothing Co., and Serval Pharmacy Co., @ #151.5 – B. Kestermann – Tailor, and Periwinkle Tea Room, 1936 & 1938 – Central Drug Company, 1946 – Starnes Plumbing Company, 1959 – Gold Shop (Women’s Clothing), 1963 – Baxter Clothing Company, 1975 – Piedmont Yarn Outlet, 1985 – Binaco of NY,
The 1915-16 store ledger of Jn. McElwee stated that Charles A. Dobbins and wife, Emma – Contractor and builder had his office at this location and lived at 114 Spruce Street.
The Record reported Oct 16, 1911 – “The stockholders of Everybody’s Building and Loan held their annual meeting at the office of J. Edgar Poag at this location. Board members included: Mr. Poag, D.B. Johnson, Alexander Long, A.C. Izard, R.E. Barron, N.B. Williams, W.J. Neely, J.W. Sykes, and R.L. Sturgis.” (The 1908 City Directory listed their location at #306 Peoples – People’s Bank Building)
The Rock Hill Herald on Jan. 13, 1916 reported – “R.P. Boyd, well known pharmacist, has bought the D.C. Stevenson Drugstore and will be opening today.”
The Herald reported on April 13, 1916 – “At a recent meeting of the directors of the Everybody’s Bank, the annual dividend was declared. A.E. Hutchison presented a report showing that the financial condition of the association is good.”
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