The Herald reported on Oct. 13, 1881 – “Mr. A.D. Holler began work last week on the new buildings being constructed for A.E. Hutchison on Main Street. The building to be occupied by Fewell and Steele as a drugstore will be 60 ft deep by 36 ft wide. The building to be occupied by Reid and Gill as a furniture store will be 100 ft deep by 36 ft wide. The second floor of both these buildings will be 60 ft long. The brickwork on the buildings for Frew Brothers and for B.N. Craig and Co., is finished. He will proceed at once on the woodwork.”
The Rock Hill Herald reported on Dec. 3, 1885 – “C.F. May, the young jeweler doing business in Rock Hill, left for parts unknown last week, leaving behind a number of creditors. He packed up his stock and tools and a number of watches and jewelry left with him for repair were taken to Charlotte and pawned. Mr. May came to Rock Hill from New York and is believed to have returned there.” On Dec. 10, 1885 Mr. T.E. Andrae of Charlotte is in town and will soon open a jewelry store in the bank building of W.L. Roddey and Son. On Feb. 11, 1886 an ad ran by T.E. Andrae, Jeweler, who is now open in the Roddey’s Bank Building. I have a full line of watches, clocks, and birthday and wedding presents. Repairing is a specialty.”
The Rock Hill Herald contained an ad on March 18, 1916 – For the Beach – Ihrie Jewelry Co., described as the “Old reliable jewelers,” established in 1887. A full line of jewelry and repair department.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on June 25, 1890 – “Work has begun on a two story building on Main Street in Rock Hill on the property of Capt. A.E. Hutchison. The first floor will have three store rooms to be occupied by the Mallard Brothers, Steele Brothers, and Uncle Miles Johnson. The second floor will have the armory for the Catawba Rifles.”
In 1895, Rock Hill had in operation, in addition to the Rock Hill Cotton Co., the Standard Cotton Mill, Globe Mill, Arcade Mill, Manchester Mill, and the Rock Hill Buggy Co. It also had two banks, a tobacco factory, a canning factory, machine shops, an electric light plant, a street railway and waterworks and four livery stables. – Louise Pettus
City Directories and History: 1908 – McElwee Theater (#116-118 East Main), J.N. McElwee, (116.5) John M. Williford, David Hutchison, W.G. Duncan, Mrs. Ollie Motz, T.C. Beckham and J.H. McFadden, (#120) Bank of Rock Hill, #120.5) Dr. I.A. Bigger, Dr. J.R. Miller, Dr. T.R. Carothers, Dr. T.A. Crawford, Dr. W.W. Fennell, O.K. Williams, J.J. Waters, Wm. J. Cherry, J.R. Stokes, 1917 – J. N. McElwee Grocery, (#120) Beach-Ihrie Jewelry Company (120.5) O.S. Crawford, T.A. Crawford, W.A. Douglas, A.E. Hutchison, Independent Real Estate Company, J.R. Stokes, 1922/23 – Imperial Theatre, 2nd Floor – J.F. Wingate – Mag., and F.G. Allen – Constable, @#118 – McElwee’s Cash Grocery, Beach-Ihrie Jewelry Co., 2nd Floor – O.S. Crawford – Real Estate, Bigger and Bigger MD., J.R. Stokes – Dentist, W.A. Douglas and Co., J.H. Foster – Attorney, Independent Real Estate and Insurance, Erwin Carothers, 1946 – Efird’s Dept. Store and Kings Men’s Shop, (120.5) Hutchison Building: Green Rental Company, T.W. Hutchison Insurance, 1963 – Same
*** The 1908 RH City Directory stated the Bank of Rock Hill was at this location and R.T. Fewell as Pres., W.G. Stevens, V.P., B.C. Barnes – Cashier, and J. Thorn Neely – Asst. Cashier.”
RHEDC #116 – 1908-09 J.N. McElwee Grocery, 1922-23 Imperial Theater, 1925-26 Imperial Theater, 1938 Efird Dept Store
RHEDC #116 (2nd Floor) David Hutchison – Insurance, John M. Williford – Insurance, W.G. Duncan – Duncan & Smith, Pressing Club, Mrs. Ollie Motz – Millinery, T.C. Beckham – Magistrate, James H. McFadden – Insurance
and Monuments
RHEDC #118 – 1908-09 McElwee Grocery, 1922-23 McElwee Cash & Grocery, 1925-26 McElwee Cash & Grocery, 1936 Efird Dept Store
RHEDC #120 – 1908-09 Bank of Rock Hill, 1922-23 Beach Ihrie Jewelry Co, 1925-26 Beach Ihrie Jewelry Co., 1936 Saint Elmo Billiard Parlor, 1938 Al Kurtz – Mens Shop, 1968 Robin’s Mens & Boys Shop, 1970 Robin’s Men’s & Boys Shop,
1985 Vacant
RHEDC #120 (2nd Floor) – 1908-09 Dr. I.A. Bigger, Dr. J.R. Millen, Dr. T.R. Carothers, Dr. T.A. Crawford, Dr. W.W. Fennell, Oscar K. Williams – Insurance, John J. Waters – Real Estate, Wm. J. Cherry – Atty., James R. Stokes – Dentist
1913 J. R. Stokes – Dentist, A.G. Fewell, R. Brice Waters – Real Estate, Dr. T.A. Crawford, Dr. J.E.W. Haile, Dr. J.R. Miller, Dr. I A. Bigger, 1922-23 Ind. Real Estate and Insurance, O.S. Crawford – Real Estate, Bigger & Bigger MD’s
Dr. J.R. Miller, J.R. Stokes – Dentist, W.A. Douglas – Ins., J.H. Foster – Atty., 1938 Hutchison Building, Green Real Estate, Pilot Life Insurance Co., Sandifer, Myron, 1968 Cree___ Real Estate & Rental, Hutchison Ins Ag & Real Estate, 1970 Hutchison Ins Ag & Real, 1985 Vacant
The Herald reported on Dec. 10, 1890 – That Steele Brothers have moved into their new quarters in the Hutchison Building, one door above Creighton – Sherfesee Company. Steele Brothers will deal exclusively in footwear.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Feb. 18, 1891 – “The Catawba Rifles have moved to their new armory in the Hutchison Building and are furnishing it in style.”
The YV Enquirer reported on Dec. 9, 1891 – “Jon. McElwee and Co., bakers and confectioners, are having their new oven constructed and are preparing to move into the building now occupied by London and Co., who will vacate on Jan. 1st.”
The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Jan. 4, 1893 – “The store formerly owned by Steele Brothers has been purchased by E.E. Poag and John Black and will now be known as Poag and Black. They were formerly employed by W.L. Roddey and Company.”
The Herald reported on Sept. 11, 1901 – “Mr. J.N. McElwee has bought out the interest of J.M. Russell in the stock of J.N. McElwee and Company. He will continue operating the branch storehouse at
Manchester Mill. Mr. McElwee has been in business eight years and came to Rock Hill some fifteen years ago as a salesman.”
The Herald reported on Jan. 15, 1902 – “That Dr. T.A. Crawford had rented the room recently occupied by Mr. Edward Sadler (Ed Sadler), as a restaurant. It is now being repaired. Dr. Crawford will have his office here and repair it in good style.”
The Herald reported on March 7, 1903 – “The Bank of Rock Hill will be established with Mr. R. T. Fewell and Pres. He has secured an option on the banking house of the old Commercial and Farmers Bank. An application for a charter has been sent to the state with corporators listed: R.T. Fewell, W.J. Cherry, O.P. Heath, W.G. Stevens and J.S. White. The capital stock is $75,000. consisting of 7,500 share of $100., each.”
The Herald announced on April 1, 1903 – “Mr. Ward Albertson of Waycross Ga., will be the cashier of the new Bank of Rock Hill. James S. White will be the teller. The bank will be ready for business by the first of May.”
The Rock Hill Record reported of March 15, 1904 – “Contained an ad for McElwee’s Restaurant on East Main Street.”
The YK Enquirer reported on June 1, 1906 – “Mr. Ward Albertson, who has since the organization of the Bank of Rock Hill has been its cashier, will leave soon for Waycross, Georgia where he will have a similar position. He came to Rock Hill two years ago.”
The Rock Hill Record reported on March 4, 1907 -“Mr. Wilson H. Price, formally with the RH Drug Co., has opened a public stenographer’s office over McElwee’s Cafe.”
The Record reported on July 25, 1907 – “J.N. McElwee will open a new theater today in the room formerly used as a restaurant. It will be called the New Pastime and will feature moving pictures.”
The RH Record reported on Aug 19, 1907 – “The Pastime Theatre – Mr. Bradshaw is returning home to Macon, Ga., and Russell McElwee will have charge of the theatre.”
The Record reported on Sept. 30, 1907 – “That the Farmers Livestock Life Insurance Co., have a new sign on their office over McElwee’s Store painted by C. B. Haynes.”
The Record reported on Oct. 28, 1907 – “There was a fire at J. N. McElwee’s Bakery early Saturday morning. All of the interior and roof was damaged. The bakery is at the rear of McElwee’s Grocery, the Bank of Rock Hill, the Standard Drug Co., and the Record Offices, none of which were damaged.”
The Record reported on March 5, 1908 – “That Duncan’s Pressing Club has changed hands. Milholen and Williford are now en-charge. The same issued contained an ad for the Milholen and Williford, “Suites cleaned and pressed, also ladies skirts.” Over McElwee’s Store.
The RH Record reported on Nov. 5, 1908 – “J.N. McElwee’s Store had a fire on Tuesday in the roof caused by a defective flue.”
The RH Record reported on Nov. 16, 1908 – “The entire business of the Bank of Rock Hill has been merged with the National Union Bank of Rock Hill. Mr. B.C. Barnes has been cashier of the Bank of Rock Hill and will be working for the National Union Bank. The Pres. of the Bank of Rock Hill, Mr. R.T. Fewell, found his interests outside so large that he could not devote enough time to the bank. He occupies a prominent position in the textile business.”
The Rock Hill Record reported on Jan. 18, 1909 – “Mr. R.T. Fewell has sold the fixtures of the Bank of Rock Hill to the new bank being opened in Cheraw and is shipping them out today.”
The RH Record reported on Jan. 25, 1909 – “Mr. T.A. Crawford, the hustling young grocer, has rented the large room formerly occupied by the Bank of Rock Hill, his plans for the space are unknown.
The RH Record of Nov. 18, 1909 contained an ad for the Red Cross Pressing Club – “We have moved and are now upstairs over McElwee’s Store – Boyce H. Bigham, Prop.”
The Herald reported Jan. 5, 1910 – “The Red Cross Pressing Club, conducted by Boyce Bigham has been sold to the City Pressing Club and will be located over McElwees.”
The Herald contained an add on Sept. 3, 1914 – “for the Independent Real Estate Company located here. Principles included: R. Brice Waters, W.H. Gladden, and J.W. Tutt.”
The Herald reported on March 4, 1942 – “The stock and fixtures of the Al Kurtz Store on Main Street, which closed recently, will be sold at auction on March 17.” (Living at 610 York Ave., Kurtz Home / store was listed in 1938 as Men’s Clothing Shop at 120 E. Mains St.)
Also see Lot #2 – South, also see under the More Information link data on several major business contributors to Rock Hill’s success. Also see J.N. McElwee’s business development outside of Rock Hill at two of his mills one under Articles-JLW entitled, Life in 1879 and the R&R site for the Antioch Community.
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