City Directories and History: 1913 – Rock Hill Plumbing and Heating Co., Vaiden B. Blankenship, Pro., 1916 – Rock Hill Gas Co., #116, 1920 – Rock Hill Gas Works #113, 1922/23 – RH Gas Company, L.F. Waldrop Plumbing Co. @ #115,
A number of small businesses operated on the first floor of this building but on the western end of the second floor a yarn manufacturing business was located here for decades.
The Rock Hill Herald reported on April 7, 1911 – “Ms. Suzie M. Steele of Rock Hill has bought an interest in the Firm of Wheeler and Son, Photographers on Hampton Street. The firm will be conducted under the name of Wheeler and Steele.”
The Rock Hill Record contained an ad in the Feb. 8, 1912 issue stating – J.J. Keller and Co., were funeral directors and embalmers at 117 Hampton St. in Rock Hill and principals are J.J. Keller and J. M. Anderson. (The Rock Hill Record reported on Jan. 22, 1912 that J.J. Keller and Co., have rented the storeroom now occupied by J.L. Bird’s Furniture Store located at the corner of East Main and Railroad Avenue and on March 1st will move their undertaking business from the present location on Hampton Street.)
The Rock Hill Record reported on Feb. 15 , 1912 – “Mr. W.H. Wheeler, who has been in the photography business here for some time, is leaving for Greenville, S.C. Ms. Suzie “Susie” Steele has bought the business and will operate it.”
The RH Record on May 30, 1912 – Contained an ad for N. Gaillard Walker, architect and engineer, office over the Water, Light and Power Office on Hampton Street.
The Herald reported March 14, 1914 – “an ad was run for F.E. Gross, a tailor at #115 Hampton St., “The Good Town Tailor.” The McElwee Store ledger of 1915 states that Ms. Susan N. Steele, (Photographer at 119 Hampton St.), held an account at the store and resided here.
The Rock Hill Herald contained an ad on April 11, 1916 stating, “F.E. Gross on Hampton St., opposite the City Hall, suggesting the purchase of a new suit for Easter.”
The Herald reported on May 17, 1917 – “That F.E. Gross was a tailor in Rock Hill for several years. He will move to Toronto Canada, and has sold his business to B. Kestermann, who has worked for him.”
The Herald reported Sept. 9, 1925 – “That Walton Eng. Company (115 Hampton Street) was awarded the plumbing and heating contract for the new Presbyterian manse to be erected near the present manse. The contractor is E. D. Bowers of Rock Hill. The cost is estimated at $16,000.” Mr. Bowers lived at 317 Walnut Street in Rock Hill.
The McElwee Store ledger states that Frank E. Gross and wife Ethel (merchant and cleaning – 115 Hampton Street), live at this address and are account holders at the store.
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