The Yorkville Enquirer reported on Aug. 21, 1889 – “The Bank of Lancaster, under our young townsman, Col. Leroy Springs as President, opened for business Thursday for the first time. This is the first chartered bank ever opened in Lancaster, and it has a state charter.”
City Directories and History: Constructed in 1907 as the original Lancaster Opera House and later used as the Bank of Lancaster.

Image of the Rock Hill Combination Musical Company in Lancaster, S.C. – Image courtesy of the Ratterree Collection
Part of the Lancaster Downtown Historic District.
The Herald reported on June 20, 1889 – “That two banks are planned in Lancaster. Gen. J. B. Erwin on last Friday circulated subscriptions for a bank with stock of $50,000. Mr. Heath and Springs declined to buy stock but went to work at once and before night obtained $50,000., in subscriptions for a rival bank. They have already conceived a commission from the Sec. of State. The incorporators are: Leroy Springs, J. M. Heath, J. H. Fitzpatrick, Wm. Ganson, L. C. Payseur, M. P. Crawford, D. A. Williams, T. Y. Williams and Ira B. Jones.”
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L.C. Payseur Building (Mr. Lewis Cass Payseur), on East Main between Dunlap and Gay Streets. Courtesy of the Lancaster County Pictorial History Book by Bishop and Pettus, 1984
Please enjoy this structure and all those listed in Roots and Recall. But remember each is private property. So view them from a distance or from a public area such as the sidewalk or public road.
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