The Varina Davis Trail Stop #4 "The Isaiah Mobley home, the Oaks, welcomes the Davis party for … [Read more...]
2583 Ashford Road – Holley Plantation Home
"Varina Davis would have passed the Holley home after leaving Woodward Baptist Church......" City … [Read more...]
Stringfellow Plantation and the Peter Wylie II Family
"A prosperous farmer witnesses Chester County's history and growth from his hilltop … [Read more...]
Varina Davis Trail Stop #2 – Charlotte – Columbia and Augusta RR Chester Depot
"Chester becomes an important railroad switching center in the mid 19th century." City … [Read more...]
154 Wylie Street – Passenger Depot #2
City Directories and History: The old Carolina and Northwestern Railroad ran from Chester to … [Read more...]
126 -128 Main Street or the Standard Drug Store / Chester Drug Store
"The first lady of the Confederacy, Mrs. Varina Davis, is reported to have been a guest here in … [Read more...]