Keeping it simple!
When you became a Roots and Recall member, you were offered the opportunity to select geographic regions across the state, which are most applicable and appealing to you. Originally new members were allowed to sign up for all eight regions. But the feature has been so popular, we subsequently restrict selection, only two regions from now on. If you were one of the earliest members, congratulations, you will be receiving numerous email updates. If it is more than you desire, please feel free to login to Roots and Recall and deselect a few.

W.B. Fairey, R&R Co-Founder and the Historic Aiken Foundation, Pres. Charlotte Wiedenman, DMD at the Aiken Museum, 2017
R&R’s email updates are designed to provide members, an opportunity to enjoy updated and feature sites within your designated sphere of regional interest. We will keep it simple, sending unscheduled periodic updates when appropriate – clickable links to explore at your leisure. Besides just reviewing sites on R&R, we too want to engage you in preserving pertinent stories and information. Tell R&R what you know about featured sites and who in the region might offer answers and offer assistance in our efforts to capture stories and preserve local history. Remember, R&R is a collaborative platform of historic data and your contributions are vital!
If you are a member of R&R, you too clearly love old houses and stories – preserve yours on Roots and Recall. And don’t forget keep us abreast of preservation happenings in your region,
As you may have read, R&R is going to be offering a new homepage within the next few months. The page will provide opportunities for individuals to post queries directly to the Southern Queries “front page section.” This opportunity not only provides users the means of answering questions, but also, discovering that within regions of S.C., there continue to exist cultural and historic differences. Just recently one user asked about the Russian Connection in Richland County. This is a wonderful story, of which little has been recorded. Two researchers are now working to document this history and when appropriate, R&R will pass it on as a new Feature Story on the homepage.
In the meantime, have you discovered the extensive links provided by R&R across the Savannah region. Visit the page on antebellum Hamberg, S.C., and resident, Mr. Hiram Hutchison to discover how R&R works to link topics across the state and nation.
R&R Update – 7.20.17
Over the past couple of months, we have traveled extensively across S.C. One of our most interesting stops was in Aiken, S.C., to meet with a group of enthusiastic historians, museum administrators and tourism officials. R&R is pleased to have been invited to share our own story. But more importantly it was also a productive forum to showcase just how R&R is successfully working with archives and historical societies to help foster wider use of their facilities, historic resources and partner to preserve S.C.’s history.