History books are so important to our understanding of the changing economic, social and political landscape of our region. In the 1960s, several terrific books were published that extolled the virtues of local antebellum architecture and associated families. Foremost of these was the Plantation Heritage of the SC Upcounty, but it was certainly not alone…
The recent From the Porch post, on struggling Carolina cities, was received with overwhelming response! It seems everyone thinks there must be a solution and one politician responded, that he too was certainly aware of the situation and felt just as strongly. So, change is inevitable but it seems every day, local values and traditions, are…
S.C. Poorest Cities
In 2017, several very talented individuals sat down and began reviewing just how to improve Roots and Recall’s homepage. Terms such as evolution, change, updated, and informative were all words used to express our desires for improvement and of course our priority, staying fresh and in-touch with the membership. So, changes such as the monthly…
Keeping You Updated – For Your Enjoyment
On a drive through rural S.C., on my way to Edisto Island and later Daufuskie Island, S.C., I was reminded just how rural most of S.C. remains. Though thousands of families have abandoned their old farmsteads for urban living and progressive towns; in the upcountry such as Spartanburg, Rock Hill and Greenville, or in the…
Absence of Blog – From the Porch
The S.C. Preservation Conference was held last week, in Columbia, S.C. at which time, Roots and Recall proudly served as a sponsor. It was interesting to hear from a number of individuals inquiring what was happening to R&R’s weekly From the Porch blog? We explained that due to several factors, the blog posts had to take…
Remembering R&R’s Feature Articles
If you missed it, please take time to revisit the homepage and click on the link to the previously posted Feature Articles. Last month’s article by Zach Liollio was another outstanding example of the preservation work being conducted across S.C. by young adults who treasure their local history just as retirees do! Or link to…
Each month, brings our members an opportunity to explore a new Feature Article, by one of Roots and Recall’s fantastic contributors. This month’s article deals with the technical questions that arise in restoring a massive building, #1 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. It just so happens, that one of R&R’s long-term friends and proponents, Mr. Mark…
R&R users do so for many reasons; exploring their family histories, looking up information on specific addresses, looking a beautiful houses, and finding answers to history questions. No matter what the reason, we are always wanting users to engage in opening additional pages. Recently usage has increased and the average user opens numerous pages per…
From Salvager to Preservationist
Roots and Recall’s contributing authors are providing outstanding articles and photographs. Comments associated with the new feature articles have been very positive and we are delighted to already have received articles for posting in 2018. The current feature article, by husband and wife team, Chris and Austin Lange, captures the preservation work of Nick Gambrell,…