City Directories and History: The interview with Mr. Harden was not completed due to his untimely death. However, his recollections and those of his recorded history of the development of North Anderson, are a tremendous contribution, to the preservation of local history. His lengthy interview included numerous references to the following: Ridgeland NC, Effie Lee Kilpatrick Harden (Teacher), Samuel Gladney Harden, Frazier’s Fitting School (First Pres. Church), Rev. Dr. Frasier (Minister at 1st Pres. Church), 106 North Street (Early home), 218 North Avenue (Later home), Dr. Breedin, Mr. Linley, Parks Family, Trolley, Motor Inn Station (Early filling station), Will Sullivan, J.C. Watkins, Criterion Theatre, Rose Hill Club, North Anderson School, Roy Watson, Mrs. Tribble’s School (108 North Avenue), Clemson College’s Land Use Survey, Gossett Plant, W.P. Acker, Acker and Harden (Office Equipment), James L. Harden and Co (Real Estate), Dr. Wm. Royster, Avery Hunt, Anderson Real Estate Board, Sullivan Hardware, One Mule Lots, Joe Shanklin (Walking Joe – An electrician who lived on Bleckley Street), Fort Benning, Colonel Harden, Gen. Ike Eisenhower’s Staff, WWII, North Anderson History from 1913-1932, John W. Lindley, Dr. E.C. McCants (Supt. of District 17), W. Frank Farmer, North Anderson Development Company, (Partners NADC – J.H. Anderson of Perpetual B&L, Fred Anderson, Susie Anderson, J. Dexter Brown (Grocer), M.M. Mattison (Insurance), J.D. Hammett (Chiquola Mills in Honea Path), Anderson Street Railway (Oct. 23, 1913 by John W. Lindsey and C.G. Boleman, Miles Ellison AM motorman and Fred Hewin PM motorman), Whitner Creek, Ms. Grace Fripp (Teacher), Oscar Doyle, Town of North Anderson (Incop. 1928),Percy Crayton @McClesky – Todd Drug Store,
Early residences in North Anderson and on North Avenue:
- Dr. C.S. Breedin
- Sam Prince (Attorney)
- Marshall P. Orr (Orr Mills)
- Dr. D.W. Dodge (Minister)
- J.L. Farmer (Insurance)
- B.B. Gossett (Owner of Gossett Mills)
- C.R. McDonald
- J.A. Farmer (Textile Ex)
- Dr. S. Taylor
- W.W. Smoke (Sold to Capt. Ramer of Coca – Cola)
- J.J. Baldwin (Architect)
- E.L. Hutchens (Teacher)
- Eva Murray
- J.E. Cannon (Cannon Mills)
- W.B. Valentine (Later occupied by Wade S. Buice family and Harold Walker)
- Lee G. Holleman and J.L. Harden family
All Credits: Anderson County Memories and Reflections compiled by R.C. Otter, Friends of the Library – 2004
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